Personality Characteristics


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Presentation transcript:

Personality Characteristics Directionality Personality Characteristics

Green “Green” students are curious and analytical. They are society’s thinkers and knowledge seekers.

Green Logical and calm, when green students make decisions, they tend to process the information and consider all the possibilities before they take action.

Green Greens are the students who usually ask questions in class, and they often want to know HOW and WHY?

Green Greens make friends cautiously and don’t mind working alone at something they enjoy. Don’t expect them to talk about their feelings, but count on them to be unbiased and fair.

Green Greens usually enjoy science and mathematics more than literature or art.

Blue “Blue” students are the peacemakers who work well with others because they are cooperative and positive.

Blue Blues immediately introduce themselves to strangers and make them feel welcome.

Blue Self-sacrificing and supportive, Blues make excellent friends. You can tell your problems to a Blue and count on them to actually listen and offer sincere sympathy.

Blue Blues also tend to be very creative and imaginative and often seek careers in literature or the arts.

Blue Blues are society’s lovers and dreamers.

Yellow Chances are that the student with the perfectly organized notebook (complete with labeled dividers) is a “Yellow.”

Yellow Responsible and goal-driven, Yellows make outstanding leaders, for they love to be in charge.

Yellow Because they are natural guardians, Yellows can make excellent parents and soldiers.

Yellow Yellows thrive on rules and get upset when they are not enforced or unfair.

Yellow Count on a Yellow to be punctual and serious about getting the job done.

Red “Reds” are society’s risk takers, the ones most likely to go bungee jumping.

Red Spontaneous and enthusiastic, they often are found leading a crowd of other rowdy Reds.

Red Because they are confident and great communicators, Reds make excellent promoters and entrepreneurs.

Red Don’t expect a Red to be subtle, for they tend to call it as they see it, but if you need a trouble-shooter, seek a Red and count on him to be innovative and creative.

Red The party doesn’t start until a Red arrives!

Quickwrite Providing specific examples, explain how your “color” applies to you. What do you need from people to feel happy and secure? Why is your color important to the world?