jami‘ = major congregational mosque masjid = mosque jami‘ = major congregational mosque
Madrasas (Religious Colleges) Dedicated boarding schools with lecture halls, prayer spaces and accommodation for students and teachers Begin to appear in Khurasan in 10th century Spread across Muslim world with Saljuqs in 11th century Eventually spread to Spain and N. Africa
Open-court Madrasa al-Mustansiriyya, bt. 1232 on orders of al-Mustansir (r. 1226-42) Domed-chamber Ince Minare Madrasa, Konya (bt. 1258) ijaza ≈ endorsement from teacher
Centres of translation of Arabic texts to Latin Spain: esp. 11th-12th c. Sicily and Italy: esp. 13th c. Map Link: Europe and the Mediterranean Lands c. 1190: <http://www.shadowedrealm.com/lib/images/medieval/ maps/map085.jpg>
1143 First translation of Qur’an into Latin. Followed by texts of Greek scholars, such as Ptolemy and Aristotle, and Muslim scholars such as Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Ibn Rushd (Averroes) 12th c. Rise of universities in Europe 1198-1250 Reign of Frederick II 1225-74 Life of Thomas Aquinas