AJAX for Enterprises
AJAX for Enterprises Could Be Much More Then Enterprise Web 2.0 There is high value for Enterprise Line Of Business; BPM, CRM, ECM, ERP…. client applications porting to web: Wide, distributed reach for employs, partner, customers Centralized – security, maintenance Economic
AJAX Setbacks
Enterprise AJAX is a Challenge Web development has always been complex & unstructured AJAX adds complexities Requires higher, multiple developers skills = Time consuming, risky, high costs Presents major security challenges Bottom line for businesses – doubtful ROI ?
The Business Value of Facing the Challenges
Visual WebGui Facilitates Enterprise AJAX Simplifies, and cuts development by as much as 90% - un-doubtful ROI leverage Reduces dramatically the client weight & network consumption Secured -doesnt open services and doesnt expose data & logic on client, allows enterprises data sensitive application on web Provides for alternative presentations, including rich graphics Silverlight for Web 2.0 like UI
Productivity Demo Live Demo: User- guest, Password - webgui 1 developer, 1 month
Visual WebGui New Enterprise Use Case Opportunities Fast porting of enterprises Line Of Business to Web: CRM, ERP, BPM… for employs, partners, agents, travelling executive's distributed access Porting legacy VB6, WinForms, MVC structure to Web without rewrite or reengineering Upgrades existing ASP.NET to include VWG Write once deploy many: DHTML, Silverlight, Smart client, Hybrid, WInForms, WPF Rich UI for Enterprises customer facing application Bottom line: High ROI on web porting
Road Map Scalability and redundancy Mashup – aggregation and integration of cross platform application into Visual WebGuis Background processing– user experience enhancement Real time – on-line notification, chat and server push
The Technology
Competitors, all running same direction… 250 attempted solutions, including IBMs, SUNs, ADOBEs, Microsofts All extending client side traditional web technologies Entailing its limitations: Complexities Security Limited apps
VWG goes the other way, brings desktop to web Extending desktop technologies to web
New pipeline Standard HTTP/ XML transferring Meta Data only. Extra optimized AJAX. User interaction analyzer that prevents unnecessary post backs. Payloads never exceed – 1KB per packet, regardless of application size and weight
Market Feedbacks
Facts & Figures Open Source BETA SDK – made available since JULY 07 To date – 300,000 downloads, over 25,000 enterprise,many critical,applications, at enterprises such as: SAP – resources sharing, NetworkD – porting desktops to Web, Canadian Ministry of Education - ECM, IBMs Israeli File Net – ECM …. Very highly active and involved developers community Tens of software house converted into VWG, investing their own resources in pushing the solution
Simplicity At Last… All I Can Say Is WOW Gurus Feedback Read the complete article
Its Ridicules how productive you can be with a tool like this… it feels like cheating Its Ridicules how productive you can be with a tool like this… it feels like cheating Gurus Feedback Read the complete article
I haven't been this impressed with any technology since I first saw VB back in the day… Gurus Feedback Read the complete article
I haven't been this impressed with any technology since I first saw VB back in the day… Gurus Feedback Read the complete article
I was able to create an Outlook Web Access (OWA)- type web application that is fully featured and adds a lot of additional functionality, within a matter of a few weeks… Gurus Feedback Read the complete article
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