Roots of Democracy World History
Two Categories of Government Democracy – Government by the people / Decisions made by the people Autocracy - Government by one person (King / Queen / Emperor / Pharaoh)
Decision Making Autocratic or Democratic? Teacher decides there will be a test on Friday Group of Friends decide on which movie to go to by discussing three possible movies and voting on which one they want to see. Fast food Manager decides to give workers a dollar per hour raise
Autocratic Advantages Efficient Order Changes can Happen Quickly
Autocratic Disadvantages Needs a Strong Leader Decisions may not be interest of everyone Too much power leads to corruption
Democratic Advantages Everyone has a say Corruption more difficult Power too diffuse
Democratic Disadvantages Messy, takes time Sometimes hard to make difficult decisions Need an Educated Citizenry
Autocratic forms of Government Theocracy Monarchy Tyranny Oligarchy Aristocracy
Democratic forms of Government Direct Democracy Republic Parliamentary System Constitutional Monarchy
Anarchy Total Lack of Government (State of Nature) No Rules, No Leaders
Rule by the masses/people Democracy Rule by the masses/people No Leader All Decisions made by the community Created in ancient Athens True Democracies only work in small groups
Rule by People’s Representative Created in Ancient Rome Republic Rule by People’s Representative Created in Ancient Rome Senator = Representative
Leader: The Priest or Main Religious Figure Theocracy Rule by Religion Leader: The Priest or Main Religious Figure Examples: Ancient Egypt, Modern Iran, Vatican City
???????? What would be some problems with having government based on a single religion?
Monarchy Rule by a single leader, typically claims Divine Right
Rule by a few individuals Oligarchy Rule by a few individuals
Aristocracy Rule by the Wealthy
Athenian Democracy (Solon, Cliesthenese, and Pericles)
Athenian Democracy (Solon, Cleisthenese, and Pericles) Greek Leader Contribution to Democracy Solon Cliesthenese Pericles
Solon Outlawed Slavery 4 Classes based on Wealth not Heredity Only 3 Higher classes were able to hold public office Fairer code of laws Despite reforms Athens continued to be an autocracy
Cleisthenese Reorganized Assembly Allowed all citizens to submit laws for debate and passage Created Council of 400 Advised Assembly Seen as Founder of Greek Democracy
Pericles Led Athens in Golden Age 461-429 B.C Established Direct Democracy Increased number of public officials Poorer citizens were able to participate
Greek Philosophy Greek Thinkers Assumptions 1.Universe is orderly 2.People can understand order of universe Respect for Human Intelligence and Reason allowed Democracy to flourish
Plato “The Republic” Rule of Philosopher Kings Democracy = Rule of the Appetites Aristocracy= Rule of the Rich
Aristotle “Politics” Man is by nature political Legitimate Government- common good Tyranny?, Democracy? Constitutional Government
Roman Republic Roman Society was made of Plebians and Patricians Rome’s Republic Senate 2 Consuls Assembly Dictator
Roman Law Twelve Tables step toward fair government Complied into “Justinian Code” “government of laws not men”
Judaism Hebrew’s Monotheism -Created in God’s image, live moral lives - “Divine Spark” - God Given Rights, Freedom - 10 Commandments - Ethical vs. Legal Code
Christianity Jesus of Nazareth - emphasized morality equality and compassion - spread of Judeo-Christian ideas through Roman Empire
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Raphael Sanzio
Francesco Petrarch
Giovanni Boccaccio
Niccolo Machiavelli
Albrecht Durer
Jan Van Eyck
Pieter Bruegel
Desiderius Erasmus
Thomas More
William Shakespeare