Bellringer Solutions 8/18/15 1. 2. Bellringer 8.22.17 Change each into a fraction. Write a “T”beside terminating decimals and an “R” beside repeating decimals. 𝐴. 15 99 = 5 33 =0. 15 𝐵. 1. 6 =1 6 9 =1 2 3 𝐶. 0. 50 = 50 99 Solve each and sketch a picture to model your solution. D. 4 = E. 3 −27 = F. 3 125 G. 16 81 ±2 -3 =5 = 4 9
Agenda Quiz Analysis Homework questions CCSS.Math.Content.8.NS.A.1 Know that numbers that are not rational are called irrational. Understand informally that every number has a decimal expansion; for rational numbers show that the decimal expansion repeats eventually, and convert a decimal expansion which repeats eventually into a rational number. Agenda Quiz Analysis Homework questions Rational vs. Irrational Notes & Videos Venn Diagram Number Sort Color Code Sheet
Quiz Analysis-GoFormative Homework Questions: #4, 11, 18
Or terminating decimals, or Numbers that can be made RATIONAL NUMBERS Include all repeating Or terminating decimals, or Numbers that can be made Into fractions (RATIO)
𝜋 2 IRRATIONAL NUMBERS Include decimals that do not repeat or end (terminate). They cannot be written as a fraction. 2
Imaginary Numbers −1
4 9 3 R I I
Question to ask yourself: Does the decimal terminate or repeat? If it does, it’s a RATIONAL number If it DOESN’T it is IRRATIONAL 3 10 4 9 3 0.14131917…
Question to ask yourself: Does the decimal terminate or repeat? If it does, it’s a RATIONAL number If it DOESN’T it is IRRATIONAL 3 10 4 9 3 0.14131917… R R I I
Rational or Irrational Classify Rational or Irrational Which set or sets of numbers would each belong to? Irrational −4 3 Rational 3.14 11 0. 17 π -80 64
Rational or Irrational Solutions to Classify Rational or Irrational Which set or sets of numbers would each belong to? Irrational Rational π −4 3 11 64 3.14 0. 17 -80
Can be further Classified Rational Numbers Can be further Classified Natural Numbers Whole Numbers Integers Might show 3rd but not stress to them
Irrational Rational Venn Diagram-Real Numbers Integers Whole Natural
Team Exercise Classify these numbers by writing Them in EXPO on your table
Casting Call **Actors Wanted Rational Mother Repeating Decimal Child Terminating Decimal Child (Large Boy) Irrational number (crazy)
Ellipse and vinculum when does a decimal repeat? What about 3/0? 0/3? Ellipse and vinculum when does a decimal repeat?
Do first 2 rows and we will discuss Solo Time Color Code will be turned in at end of class.
Padlet Create examples you haven't used in notes or practice today for EACH number classification
FINCH FlipGrid Create examples you haven't seen in notes or practice today for EACH number classification. You may partner up. CODE: xlhfrn5
2nd CODE: ed0568 MILES FlipGrid Create examples you haven't seen in notes or practice today for EACH number classification. You may partner up. 2nd CODE: ed0568
2nd CODE: 9e6c1f 3rd CODE: 04f6b9 POOLE FlipGrid Create examples you haven't seen in notes or practice today for EACH number classification. You may partner up. 2nd CODE: 9e6c1f 3rd CODE: 04f6b9