Introduction to the Middle Ages Social 9 Introduction to the Middle Ages
Activity: Rome Fell, so What? Directions: In pairs, you will be working through nine questions to try and figure out what life may have been like at the fall of the Roman empire in 476 AD. As the slides progress, answer the questions on each of the slides on a sheet of loose leaf.
Question ONE: Before Rome collapsed, what did it provide for the people living there? -provide as many answers as possible
Possible answers Possible answers: Roads Protection (military) Set of laws/rules to live by Stable government and leadership A structure to society (who has power, who does not) A system of education and passing down knowledge Anything worldview related Infrastructure Land ownership Food creation and transportation (farming and aqueducts)
Question TWO: What are the most important needs do you need met now that Rome cannot provide you with them?
protection, food, shelter
Question THREE: Are one of these needs more important to the other to the people living there? (Think about the reasons Rome collapsed. Is there something people are scared of?)
Russ Angles and Saxons Slavs Note: The Eastern Roman Empire is Still going strong
Question FOUR: What would have stayed the same (or at least similar)?
Question FIVE: What examples of worldview do you think would still have existed even with Rome’s collapse?
Possible Answers Christianity Slavery loyalty (they had been loyal to the Roman empire previously)
Question SIX: What is no longer necessary for survival? What will happen to these things?
Possible Answer Roads collapse Formalized education ends (hence “Dark Ages”) No social infrastructure Little communication Varying laws/government
Question SEVEN: How do you propose to meet all of your needs?
Possible Answers live in small areas, close to farms so you don’t need roads use resources you have at your disposal live on a body of water build shelter out of local materials form military)
Questions EIGHT: How will you organize your civilization to make sure all your needs are met? (for example, what jobs are necessary to get stuff done?) Questions NINE: How will you arrange for protection?
DEFINITE ANSWER How will society be organized to meet the needs (protection, food, shelter) FEUDAL SYSTEM Upcoming slides will introduce feudal system
What is Feudalism? Feudalism: “loosely organized system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other support to a greater lord.”
The King The King was in complete control under the Feudal System. He owned all the land in the country and decided who he would lease land to. He therefore only allowed those men he could trust to lease land from him. However, before they were given any land they had to swear an oath to remain faithful to the King at all times. The men who leased land from the King were known as Barons, they were wealthy, powerful and had complete control of the land they leased from the King. Barons/Nobles Barons leased land from the King which was known as a manor. They were known as the Lord of the Manor and were in complete control of this land. They established their own system of justice, minted their own money and set their own taxes. In return for the land they had been given by the King, the Barons had to serve on the royal council, pay rent and provide the King with Knights for military service when he demanded it. They also had to provide lodging and food for the King and his court when they travelled around the country. The Barons kept as much of their land as they wished for their own use, then divided the rest among their Knights. Barons were very rich. Knights Knights were given land by a Baron in return for military service when demanded by the King. They also had to protect the Baron and his family, as well as the Manor, from attack. The Knights kept as much of the land as they wished for their own personal use and distributed the rest to villeins (serfs). Although not as rich as the Barons, Knights were quite wealthy. Villeins Villeins, sometimes known as serfs, were given land by Knights. They had to provide the Knight with free labour, food and service whenever it was demanded. Villeins had no rights. They were not allowed to leave the Manor and had to ask their Lord's permission before they could marry. Villeins were poor.
Feudalism (political system) So who is in charge? The kings had plenty of land; but he could not control it all So he gave land to lords in exchange for protection, loyalty and $. Lords then gave their land to knights in exchange for protection, loyalty and $. Knights let serfs (peasants) work the land and he would protect them. Serfs got food and shelter. Thus, each person had rights and responsibilities Higher lords
Need a break? Stop and recap
Manor Life So where do the people live? In Medieval Europe, people lived on manors self-sufficient communities consisting of a castle, church, village and surrounding farmlands. Serfs work land and give part of their crops to the local (land) lord, for letting them farm the land.
Common Pasture (or "Green")
Problems with Feudalism Possible to have allegiances to more than one person. No strong central government. King must ask his lords for knights in time of war. King must ask his lords for money to pay for things. Lords hold most of the power. Lords constantly fighting among themselves.
How to Gain / Stay in Power GET More LAND!! More land = more crops = more $ How to Get More Land? Conquer it Medieval times saw constant fighting Marry into it Make Alliances It helps to have friends. Marry off your daughter to secure an alliance.