Glen Ridge Public Schools Preliminary Budget 2011-2012 John Mucciolo, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools Peter Caprio, Business Administrator Glen Ridge Board of Education Members Elisabeth Ginsburg, President Karen Eisen, 1st VP Timothy Keppel, 2nd VP Michael de Leeuw Kama Dishmon Jeffrey Kobernick Kevin Licciardi Suzanne O’Connor Julie Raskin I am presenting the Glen Ridge Public Schools 2008-2009 budget. The BOE voted to approve this budget to be present to the Glen Ridge Community. I am happy to present this budget. I feel this is an excellent budget that will maintain our programs and personnel while moving us forward toward continued district improvement. We are an excellent school district, this budget will allow us to continue towards the excellence we all desire. .
Budget Theme The Balance: Prudent Fiscal Management Educational Excellence
Preliminary Budget The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to present to the Board of Education the 2011-2012 Glen Ridge Public Schools Preliminary Budget.
Timeline March 4th Submit Budget to County Office March 28th Public Hearing to Adopt Budget April 27th School Election
Revenue History Tax Levy 2009-2010 – 3.88% increase State Aid 2009-2010: $ 788,000 (original amt $1.2M) 2010-2011: $ 0 2011-2012: $ 268,000
Cost to Taxpayer House Assessed at $580,225 (Average) Tax % Increase Tax $ Increase 2.00% $ 498,666 Annual Tax Increase General Fund $233.40 Debt Service ($ 2.76) Total $230.64 or $19.22/month
2011-2012 Revenue/Expenses State Aid $268,047 Revenues State Aid $268,047 Excess Fund Balance $886,955 Tuition $477,405 Misc. $ 97,800 Education Jobs Fund Grant $ 40,266 Tax Levy $25,431,941 Total $27,202,414 Last Year $26,238,418 Comparison ($963,996) Expenses (Increases) Special Education Tuition $ 90,715 Transportation $ 91,630 Salaries $438,876 Benefits $207,191 Capital Reserve $ 85,000 All Other $ 50,584 Total $963,996
New Staff 1st Grade Teacher – Linden Avenue School High School – Math Teacher Pre-K Teacher P/T F/T (Linden) Pre-K Teacher PT (Forest) 2 Pre-K PT Aides
Community Outreach Budget presentations to community groups Budget vote and Board of Education elections will be held on Wednesday, April 27, 2011