Essential Question What do you think is the key to achieving happiness in your life?
Reactions to Early Hinduism Why do you think some people may have rejected to early beliefs of Hinduism?
Reactions against Hinduism Jainism Reaction to Hinduism Preaches non-violence to all creatures Emphasis on asceticism Mahavira: Founder of Jainism Asceticism a life characterized by rejection of worldly pleasures and self-denial
Buddhism starts in Nepal (Northern India)
Religions of South Asia
Buddhism in the Subcontinent
Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE) Born in NE India (Nepal). Raised in great luxury to be a king. At 29 he rejected his luxurious life to seek enlightenment and the source of suffering. Lived a strict, ascetic life for 6 yrs. Rejecting this extreme, sat in meditation, and found nirvana. Became “The Enlightened One,” at 35.
Rise of Buddhism Rejected caste system and the importance of priests and religious rituals Worshipped gods, but did not find them necessary to achieve enlightenment. Individual path to liberation.
Beliefs of Buddhism Enlightenment = “awakening”; wisdom; comes through personal meditation Buddha – “The enlightened one” Nirvana – extinction of selfish desire; leads to release from cycle of birth and rebirth.
Other Beliefs of Buddhism Dharma Religious duties that lead to enlightenment Four Noble truths Eightfold Path Ahimsa Non-Violence Tripitaka – The Three baskets of Wisdom Holy Book
What is the fundamental cause of all suffering? Desire!
Four Noble Truths Life is filled with suffering and sorrow. To live is to suffer.
Four Noble Truths The cause of suffering is self-centered desire and attachments to worldy pleasures.
Four Noble Truths The way to end suffering is to end one’s desire.
Four Noble Truths To eliminate desire and achieve nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path
The Essence of Buddhism Buddhism = “The Middle Way” between desire and self-denial Ultimate goal is to achieve “Nirvana” – extinction of desire
Eight Fold Path .
Nirvana Eightfold Path The union with the ultimate spiritual reality. Escape from the cycle of rebirth.
The Life of Buddha Photo Essay Review the following slides depicting Buddha at various stages of his life. Write a caption next to each picture describing how it is related to Buddha’s life and teachings. Incorporate each of the essential vocabulary words into your essay.
Prince Siddhartha
Ascetic Siddhartha
Meditating Buddha
The Enlightened One
Teaching Buddha
The Death of Buddha