PBIS/MTSS at EES Creating a safe, supportive, predictable Positive learning environment for all eagles!
Pbis traditions at the edge…
The basics 3 Rs Respectful Resonsible Ready Show me 3 Behavior Matrix- Hallway, Bathroom, Recess, Bus, Cafeteria
Teach, model, Practice, repeat… Lessons for the first two weeks (include PBIS basics, creating class rules, Energy Bus/growth mindset, Code of Conduct) Student Pledge- Sign and hang Procedures Checklist What’s NEW this year? Energy Bus! Consequences Choice Board
Recognizing our eagles Eagle Tickets VIE Eagle Phone Cafeteria Mountains 4:1 Positive to Negative!!
Reflecting eagles… Supportive Preventive Discipline is a process NOT an event Discipline always starts with teaching and acknowledging positive behavior Corrective Supportive Preventive
Office Managed v. teacher managed
Consequences Choice Board Follow the “Rs” when creating your Grade Level Consequences Choice Board Related Reasonable Respectful Reliably Enforced Revealed Plan the implementation Who, When, Where, How?
Consequences Choice Board: the basics Create as a team Once a consequence is used, it can’t be used again before all other types of consequences have been used Parent Communication MUST be one of the choices under “Adult Interaction” and parents must be contacted before sending students to the office for teacher managed behaviors.
Create your consequences choice board
Check us out! Edgewatereagles.weebly.com