p. 207 and 212 Lesson 29-30 Vocabulary
neuter 2nd declension perīculum perīculī danger
masculine 2nd declension inimīcus inimīcī personal enemy
adjective 1st/2nd declension miser misera miserum unhappy, poor
inimīcus inimīca inimīcum unfriendly, hostile adjective 1st/2nd declension inimīcus inimīca inimīcum unfriendly, hostile
verb 3rd conjugation āmittō āmittere āmīsī āmissus to lose
verb irregular absum abesse āfuī āfutūrus to be away; to be absent
to learn; (in perfect tense, to know) verb 3rd conjugation nōscō nōscere nōvī nōtus to learn; (in perfect tense, to know)
to go forward; to advance verb 3rd conjugation prōcēdō prōcēdere prōcessī prōcessūrus to go forward; to advance
verb 3rd conjugation prōdūcō prōdūcere prōdūxī prōductus to lead out
retineō retinēre retinuī retentus to hold back; to keep verb 2nd conjugation retineō retinēre retinuī retentus to hold back; to keep
in front of; before; for; on behalf of preposition takes an ablative noun prō in front of; before; for; on behalf of
preposition takes an ablative noun sine without
adverb iam already; now
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masculine 2nd declension inimīcus inimīcī
adjective 1st/2nd declension miser misera miserum
adjective 1st/2nd declension inimīcus inimīca inimīcum
verb 3rd conjugation āmittō āmittere āmīsī āmissus
verb 3rd conjugation nōscō nōscere nōvī nōtus
neuter 2nd declension perīculum perīculī
verb irregular absum abesse āfuī āfutūrus
preposition takes an ablative noun prō
verb 3rd conjugation prōdūcō prōdūcere prōdūxī prōductus
adverb iam
verb 2nd conjugation retineō retinēre retinuī retentus
preposition takes an ablative noun sine
verb 3rd conjugation prōcēdō prōcēdere prōcessī prōcessūrus
preposition takes an ablative noun prō
preposition takes an ablative noun sine
verb 2nd conjugation retineō retinēre retinuī retentus
adjective 1st/2nd declension inimīcus inimīca inimīcum
verb 3rd conjugation prōcēdō prōcēdere prōcessī prōcessūrus
verb 3rd conjugation āmittō āmittere āmīsī āmissus
verb 3rd conjugation nōscō nōscere nōvī nōtus
adverb iam
neuter 2nd declension perīculum perīculī
masculine 2nd declension inimīcus inimīcī
adjective 1st/2nd declension miser misera miserum
verb irregular absum abesse āfuī āfutūrus
verb 3rd conjugation prōdūcō prōdūcere prōdūxī prōductus