The Spanish American War Chapter 4 Section 2
- Big Idea – The Spanish American War Stories of horrible actions committed by the Spaniards were reaching the U.S. daily. Fearing an attack against American citizens, President McKinley sent the Battleship U.S.S. Maine to Havana Harbor in Cuba to evacuate U.S. citizens. The U.S.S. Maine exploded, and the Spanish were blamed for the attack. Shortly after, U.S. declared war on Spain.
The Coming of War Cuba was a Spains oldest colony Cuba produced sugar (1/3 worlds supply) & 1/3 of Cubans were enslaved 1868 Cuban rebels fought for independence from Spain – lasted 10 yrs Americans looked at Spain as tyrants
- Cuban Rebellion – (1868) Jose Marti – writer & poet - led Cuban rebels to declare independence Helped launch guerrilla warfare against Span. Auth. By training people – raise funds for weapons Able to seize control of Eastern Cuba
- U.S. Cuba Ties – (1890) Closely Linked Economically Cuba = Sugar to U.S. U.S. = Invested $$50 Million in Railroads, Mines, & Sugar plantations These ties created a huge crisis between the U.S. & Cuba Sugar tariffs – wrecked sale of sugar to U.S. - Economy devastated
Americans Support Cubans U.S. govt wanted to remain neutral U.S. Public began to support Cubans because of the stories in newspapers William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer (newspaper owners) competed w/ each other to sell papers
Yellow Journalism William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer (newspaper owners) Made up stories to sell papers and attract readers “Spanish feeding Cubans to Sharks and Dogs”
More Revolts & Spain Responds General Weyler (Spain)– (El Carnicero) Spain dispatched 200,000 troops to put down rebellion Villagers were placed in concentration camps People in U.S. want govt to go to war Pres. McKinley did not want to get involved
U.S.S. Maine USS Maine Sent to protect American Citizens Ship Blew up in harbor – 266 died Spain blamed for sinking Within weeks, Spain and U.S. at war. “Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain”!!
War on Two Fronts U.S. Fought Spain in Cuba & Philippines
War in the Philippines U.S. ships in Hong Kong sent to attack Spain in Philippines Com. George Dewey May 1, 1898 opened fire on Spanish ships Defeated Spain quickly
War in Cuba Different than war in the Philippines U.S. had Trouble getting troops ready Poor conditions By end of war more died in camp than in battle
War in Cuba Cont… June 14, 1898 – 17,000 troops landed in Cuba Among them were the “Rough Riders” (cowboys, miners, law officers) Led by Col. Wood & Theodore Roosevelt Helped capture San Juan Hill
War in Cuba cont… Spanish Com. Santiago panicked - Ordered his ships to flee U.S. Ships waiting outside of harbor U.S. sank every ship Santiago Surrendered 2 weeks later
American Empire Born From this war U.S. gained: Guam Puerto Rico Philippines Cuba
What treaty, act or amendment went with each territory In your textbook p.305 - 307, list what treaty, act or amendment went with each territory. Also list the requirements for each: Treaty of Paris Cuba, Guam, Foraker Act Puerto Rico Platt Amendment Philippines
Cuba & the Platt Amendment 1. Cuba couldn’t make a treaty with any country Cuba had to allow U.S. to lease a naval stations Cuba debts had to be kept low U.S. had the right to intervene in Cuba to keep order