VASCULAR SYSTEM Take blood to tissues and back Arteries –carries blood away from heart Arterioles – “small arteries” found between arteries and capillaries
Capillaries – smallest of blood vessels and sites of gas exchange between blood and tissue cells connects arterioles and venules
Venules – “small veins” Connects capillaries and veins Veins –return blood toward heart
BLOOD VESSEL ANATOMY Tunica (layer) intima Endothelium (inner lining of blood vessels) Tunica media Middle, smooth muscle layer; controls (sympathetic nervous system) diameter of blood vessel
Tunic externa Outermost, fibrous connective tissue
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BLOOD VESSEL TYPES Arteries Thickest layer; carry high pressure blood Blood pumped by force of heart
Veins Lumens (space inside of blood vessels) of veins are larger Use “milking” action of muscles to help move blood
Capillaries Only one cell thick Gas exchange between blood and tissue
Capillary beds (interweaving network of capillaries) consist of two types of vessels Vascular shunt – directly connects an arteriole to a venule True capillaries – gas exchange by diffusion (high to low concentration)