ADDING PEOPLE THAT YOU DON’T KNOW Adding strangers to your social media doesn’t just put you at risk, but also your friends On sites such as Facebook and Instagram, things that you post can be tracked back to your location, and without the right privacy settings, anyone can see where you are You can also see posts that mutual friends have tagged you in so a stranger could easily see where you live, who your friends are and what school you go to ADDING PEOPLE THAT YOU DON’T KNOW
YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA! Some people just don’t want to be on social media, and its fine. A few reasons why people don’t like/ want to be on: Lower self esteem; not getting enough likes or comments It can be distracting and become addictive It’s boring and unreliable Mostly do the same thing Just don’t want it YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA!
Inappropriate pictures online can sometimes be called other things like nudes or naked pictures. They can be sent to or from a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or someone you've met online This can easily happen. Things can go wrong – even when you didn't mean for them to SEXTING
When you’re Under 18 it’s against the law for anyone to take or have an inappropriate image of you – even if it’s a selfie. This means that if you pressure someone into taking a photo or you share a sexual photo with someone, you’re breaking the law The Police have the power to decide whether it’s for the best to record what’s happened or to take things further But the law is there to protect young people, not punish them. SEXTING- Is it illegal?
SEXTING- Reasons for sending images Feel like ‘everyone else is doing it’ even if they’re not – especially if they're exaggerating about sending photos or boasting about having them on their phone Feel harassed, threatened or blackmailed into sending pictures Feel it's easier just to 'give in' to somebody who keeps asking for things Want someone's approval SEXTING- Reasons for sending images
SEXTING- Reasons for sending images Think you 'owe' your boyfriend or girlfriend or made to feel guilty if you don't do what they ask you for Have a long distance or online relationship with someone and want to have a sexual relationship with them Worry about being seen as 'not sexy', 'frigid' or 'shy' and go along with things you're uncomfortable with SEXTING- Reasons for sending images
SEXTING- What to do if you’ve already shared When sending pictures goes badly, it can make you feel ashamed, guilty or embarrassed. But there are things you can do to make the situation better and prevent it from happening again Try having an honest conversation with the person you sent the image to. Ask them to delete it. The quicker you're able to do this the better. You can't control what someone will do with an image, but having an honest conversation can help to make sure they won't pass it on SEXTING- What to do if you’ve already shared
The sooner you talk to somebody about the situation the better This could be your mum, dad, carer or a school teacher Your school will have ways of dealing with these sorts of problems and can confiscate mobiles if they believe they have sexual images on them You can contact the website to take it down if it is on social media SEXTING- Getting help
SEXTING- Things to think about What could happen to it? Who might see it? What are the risks? What do YOU want to send? Who are you sending it to? SEXTING- Things to think about