How to make your Presentation Awesome?
Don’t be a LOSER Before I tell you what works let me share with you what does not. Top 5 things which your audience hates in a presentation.
1 Long presentations Image: Salvatore Vuono /
2 Small size fonts Image: photostock /
3 What I actually want to say is that I have worked so hard and I want to tell you that I have done Excess words on slide
5 Reading from slides Image: Salvatore Vuono /
L . O . S . E . R Long presentations Small size of font Excess words on slide Reading from slides
Now that we know what does not work, let me tell you what works. Let me show you the road to awesomeness.
Attract attention People expect presentations to be boring. They will be busy with their mobiles. So attract attention at the very start. Your passion for the topic and your style will do that.
Why agree with you? Give people a reason to agree with what you are saying. What expertise you have or research/analysis you have done which makes us agree to you? Only when people agree will they do what you say.
Make your content easy to understand Make your content easy to understand. Your audience might not know about the topic as much as you know. Get rid of jargons and complex charts. A layman should be able to understand you. Easy to understand Image: luigi diamanti /
Image: anankkml / Simple slide design Do not waste time on making slides. People have come to listen to you and not to see your slides. Slides are secondary. Slides are only there to amplify and clarify your ideas.
Use photos As Much As You Can
Know your objective Spend time on preparing your content. If you are raising sponsorship money, find out what the sponsor wants and how you can give him that. Focus on meeting your objective.
Be memorable Your audience should remember the top 3 things you said in your presentation. Then only will they act on it and spread it. So find out what are the top 3 messages and deliver it powerfully.
This brings us to the framework. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Y G R S M P L B J C V This brings us to the framework. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Your presentation needs to have these 7 things in order to become awesome.
Presentation is an art. You cannot become awesome overnight. You need to practice, practice and practice some more. Thank you.
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