No heterologous protection with SAT2 SAU Against SAT2 BOT challenge A. Dekker, L. Mouton, M. Blanchet, M. Bleijenberg, J. Coco-Martin, P. Hudelet, S. Goutebroze
Background Type A reasonable to good heterologous protection Even when r-values are low Even with reasonable genetic distance Very limited information on SAT2 vaccine Can high quality SAT2 vaccine also provide cross- protection against heterologous challenge
Type A good protection even with low r-value or high genetic distance (VP1 in red) >32 PD50 3 PD50 6 PD50 4 PD50 14 PD50 0.21 r1 = 0.1 r1 = 0.12 2 PD50 8 PD50 >32 PD50 11 PD50 A22 0.0000 0.2070 0.1804 0.5234 0.0000 A24 Cruzei 0.2070 0.0000 0.2593 0.5970 0.2070 A/IRN/96 0.1804 0.2593 0.0000 0.5429 0.1804 A/IRN/99 0.5234 0.5970 0.5429 0.0000 0.5234 0.18 0.26 r1 = 0.1 r1 = 0.23 14 PD50 19 PD50 >32 PD50 0.52 0.60 0.54 11 PD50
Kimura genetic distance VP1 Type A: genetic distance 0.18 to 0.54 Reasonable to good protection Type SAT2: genetic distance SAT2 SAU and BOT 0.40 No information yet No r1-values available yet
Materials and methods Vaccines SAT2 SAU emergency vaccine Challenge virus SAT2 SAU cattle challenge virus (3 times) SAT2 BOT cattle challenge virus (1 time) European Pharmacopoeia potency test 3 – 4 groups of vaccinated cattle (5 cattle/group) Full, 1/4 , 1/16, (1/64) dose 2 controls
Challenge results (SAT2 SAU vaccine) 3 homologous potency test (94 PD50/dose) 1 heterologous potency test (0.8 PD50/dose) Full 5/5 1/4 1/16 3/5 1/64 NA Full 1/5 1/4 3/5 1/16 0/5 1/64
Statistical analysis Linear regression Strong relation between Ab response and vaccine dose 10 times more vaccine 4 times higher antibody titre Generalised linear regression Binomial with logistic link function Challenge strain best predictor of protection Antibody response very strong predictor of protection
Relation Ab response and protection
Conclusion SAT2 SAU vaccine is a very good vaccine bank strain 94 PD50/dose against homologous challenge Antibody response very strong predictor of protection For heterologous SAT2 BOT challenge 1 log higher Ab titre needed r-values of SAT2 SAU and SAT2 BOT should be determined Vaccine banks should include more than 1 SAT2 strain More data on circulating strains is necessary
Thank you for your attention Good vaccines can induce heterologous protection, but it can fail (FMD vaccine banks should test their vaccines!)