Imperialism and the Spanish American War


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Presentation transcript:

Imperialism and the Spanish American War

I. Factors that fueled Imperialism Desire for Military Strength Need for more natural resources and markets. Belief in Cultural Superiority

II. Spanish American war A) The United States had a long held interest in Cuba

Cuba was a Spanish Colony. The Spanish were treating the Cubans badly so many started to rebel let by Jose Marti. 3) Many American Newspapers engaged in Yellow Journalism which exaggerated events that were happening in Cuba.

B) De Lome Letter A letter from the Spanish Minister that called President McKinley weak. -Americans were mad!

C) U.S.S. Maine explodes, although nobody knew the cause, journalist blamed it on the Spanish

D) U.S. declares war on Spain, battles are fought in the Philippines and in the Caribbean 1) Cuba gains Independence from Spain and the U.S. gains Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines 1:19

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