EU work and multilateral cooperation in the Black Sea Stelios Mitolidis Deputy Head of Unit Unit D1 – Fisheries Management Mediterranean and Black Sea DG MARE, European Commission
Priorities The European Union is considering work in the Black Sea as one of its political priorities. European Union will continue its efforts towards protecting the environment in the Black Sea, promoting Blue Growth and regional cooperation
How to achieve Sustainable Fisheries in the Black Sea – Multilateral and EU actions GFCM Mid-term strategy (2017-2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea Bucharest Declaration towards enhanced cooperation on Black Sea Fisheries and Aquaculture "BlackSea4fish" project CFP (EU regulations – e.g. Basic regulation, fishing opportunites, Control regulation, etc.)
Multilateral Dimension In September 2016, the GFCM adopted, with EU full support, its new 2017-2020 strategy where specific attention is given to the problems of the Black Sea. And in October 2016 a High-Level Conference on Black Sea Fisheries and Aquaculture was organised, resulting in the adoption of the Bucharest Declaration underpinning the need, for common and collaborative approaches among riparian states to address and promote: sustainable exploitation of marine living resources closer collaboration on scientific advice sustainable development of aquaculture Sustainable small-scale fisheries and capacity building
EU instruments towards fisheries sustainability in the Black Sea - CFP What is the CFP? set of rules for managing European fishing fleets and for conserving fish stocks first introduced in the 1970s and went through successive updates, the most recent of which took effect on 1 January 2014 What are the aims? fishing and aquaculture are environmentally, economically and socially sustainable Exploit the fish stocks at sustainable level s at the latest by 2020 Eliminating unwanted catches The NEW CFP also changes the way in which the CFP is managed, giving EU countries greater control at national and regional level.
EU instruments towards fisheries sustainability in the Black Sea - CFP Regulation fixing for 2017 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks in the Black Sea Bulgaria and Romania Committed to work with the Commission in the implementation of the objectives of the recently adopted Bucharest Declaration and the GFCM mid-term strategy (2017-2020) toward the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries
EU instruments towards fisheries sustainability in the Black Sea - CFP Is the Commission undertaking any type of action to improve stakeholders coordination at the national and regional level? Since the early 2000's the Commission has placed at the top of its agenda promotion of the involvement of the fisheries' stakeholders into fisheries policy developments Black Sea Advisory Council The first meeting towards the creation of a Black Sea Advisory Council was organised by the COM and held in Brussels in June 2013 BG-RO stakeholders met recently in Varna in November 2016 and on 15 to 17 March 2017
Cooperation and technical assistance Work of GFCM: Permanent network for cooperation and technical assistance to be established within GFCM by end 2018, regional programmes for education and training Work of EU: Increase focus on fisheries from non EU states in their respective EU related instruments (Association Agreements, Action Plans, Partnership Priorities, cooperation projects – TAEIX, etc.) Training programmes offered by EFCA
Cooperation and technical assistance The EU is financing, though voluntary contributions, the GFCM work (in 2016-2017 we provided new funds of 2,4 million euros; on top of existing on-going grants of 0,8 million euros and our normal contracting party obligatory contribution) The EU is ready to consider increase funding for GFCM through its voluntary contribution with the aim to support the implementation of the GFCM work
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