Mrs. Jensen’s Weekly News Important Dates What are we learning? Oct. 11 & 15 – Parent Teacher Conferences *Watch for sign up info. Oct. 17th – Field Trip - Buffalo River Pumpkin Patch *Parents are welcome to join us! Background checks must be completed in order to attend. More info. to come. What are we learning? This week we focused on: -letters Jj through Nn -numbers 10 through 14 -color words -black, white, yellow, brown, blue, red *** Please take time reviewing letter sounds, letter names, numbers and color words at home. We read a story each day that was all about the letter of the day and sang songs to help us learn our letter sounds. We practiced rainbow writing each letter, writing the letters on dry erase boards and finally writing the letter with our pencils. We have been working on our journals. Watch for one to come home each month. You’ll be amazed at the growth from month to month. For art, we made buses. They are on display in our hallway. Keep checking our school Facebook page and the Friday Round-Up for fun class pictures! Reminders Please send a jacket daily. Gym shoes are a must for those coming to school in sandals and flip flips. Mrs. Jensen