November 29, 2016 Agenda • Discuss Korean Conflict • Vietnam Reading • Korea BrainPop • Vietnam BrainPop Warm-up How did the Korean Conflict end and what was the boundary between North and South Korea? Homework: review today’s material
The 1953 armistice ended the Korean Conflict and the 38thparallel was kept as the border between North and South.
Unit 6: Modern History of Southern & Eastern Asia 1.Unit 6 Standards 2.Warmup (11/14 –11/18) 3.Japan Reading 4.Hiroshima/Nagasaki BP 5.Unit 6 Study Guide 6. Origins of Cold War 7. Korea 8. Vietnam 9. India Quick Facts 10. Vietnam/Korean Venn 11. Korea/Vietnam BP 12. Warmup (11/28 – 12/2)
Korean Conflict Vietnam War The Cold War and resulting fear of communist expansion Vietnam War U.S. aid to Mujahadeen rebels fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. Arms Race between the Soviet Union and United States. U.S. support of anti-communist dictators in countries like South Vietnam, Iraq, Iran and parts of Africa. (Remember from 6thgrade) Cuban Missile Crisis, split of Germany, etc.
Vietnam War answers 1. Why did many people in Indo-China resent being colonized by France? The French took their land and natural resources, leaving them poor. 2. Who went to war against the French in Indo-China? Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh communists. 3. What is the “Domino Theory” and how does that explain U.S. involvement in Vietnam? If Vietnam becomes communist, the rest of Asia would, too. This made it important for the U.S. to win in order to contain the spread of communism. 4. What did the Geneva Accord do? This was the treaty that divided Vietnam into North and South after the French left. 5. What did the Gulf of Tonkin resolution allow the U.S. government to do? It allowed the U.S. to send combat troops to Vietnam. It was the official start of the war for the U.S. 6. Why did American forces have difficulty fighting against the Vietcong guerillas? They used ambushes in the jungle and blended in with innocent civilians. 7. How many Vietnamese people died in the war? More than 1.2 million died. 8. What happened after the American forces pulled out of Vietnam? The North conquered South Vietnam, uniting the country under Communism.
Daily Closing What are two similarities between the Korean and Vietnam Conflicts?