Reading We are working together to help our children reach their full potential.
The Magic of Reading Reading to a child is a simple but powerful boost to their overall development. Reading daily to children could result in a 20% fall in children with behaviour problems. Small changes in how often we read to children can transform their lives for the better.
“Great books build great imagination.” Pie Corbett Spine Reading Books “Great books build great imagination.” Pie Corbett “Each great book develops the imagination and equips the reader with language. Around 75% of our vocabulary comes from our reading.” Pie Corbett Year 2 Book List
Teaching Reading Blended Reading is taught each morning and children read together mostly in groups of similar abilities. Children have the same book for 5 session: pre-reading, independent, literal comprehension, teacher led book discussion to establish understanding and a final follow up activity. Teaching children to listen to and read a wide range of poetry, non-fiction and stories. Whole class teaching.
Fluency Fluency, like any other skill comes with practice. Practice, practice practice. It takes effort. One of the best ways for children to develop fluency is to hear it modelled effectively. The best teacher is you. Reading aloud to your children, whatever their age, is the best way of developing their fluency and expression. Bug club (which we will cover later) also has the option to listen to books read aloud.
Book Talk Look at the cover and predict what the story will be about. Talk about the pictures. Look through the book before you read. Talk about characters – what are they like? How can you tell? Settings, events in the story and why they happened. Favourite bits, least favourite bits.
Reading at Home As often as possible. Everyday for 10 minutes is ideal. Make it part of your regular routine. Choose the best time for your child and your family. Share the reading with your child if they are tired or reluctant. Make reading a comfortable , quiet time with as few distractions as possible.
Bug Club This is a really useful interactive resource to support your child with their reading. It gives them the opportunity to read books online independently and as shared reading. They can also answer a range of comprehension questions.
Useful Websites: Love Reading For Kids www.lovereading4kids. World Book Day Literacy Trust