1. What drew scholars from all over Europe to Italy? 486-490 1. What drew scholars from all over Europe to Italy? 2. What did northern scholars want to do with the new learning?
3. How does the original Greek meaning of UTOPIA differ from it’s meaning today? 4. Describe 2 things that Thomas MOore see’s in his Utopia.
5. What does Desiderius Erasmus use in his book The Praise of Folly to criticize the church? 6. What did Francois Rebelais use to criticize the church in his book Gargantua and Pantagruel?
7. Which two inventions helped promote the spread of humanist ideas? 8. What modern invention could be compared to Guttenberg’s Printing Press?
9. What was the literacy rate of women before the printing press? 10. What did the Church demand before a book could be published?