Building a Physical Library in the Digital Age Presented by Jennifer Joe, M.L.S., M.A. KLA Academic Joint Spring Conference 2015
Introduction About the Owensboro Campus Library Opened in 2009 740 square feet – Size of a classroom Started with a small non-circulating collection 19 laptops and 11 desktops Serving 2 + 2 students and Masters students
6 Years Later New Librarian, New Status Expanded to circulating collection 1700 books expands by 50 or so books a year Still in the same classroom Patron Population Shift
Purpose of Academic Libraries “The iconographic power of a college or university library expresses a purpose not just to collect, but to organize, preserve, and make knowledge accessible (ALA, 2007).”
Collection Effective collection development Focusing on core programs Knowing what is available elsewhere Communication with liaison librarians Exploring low-cost solutions
Accessibility Of the collection Of the library staff Facilitating exchange of materials with other campuses Emphasizing digital resources Of the library staff Being available. Being flexible. Emphasizing expertise of faculty/staff
Challenges Justifying Space Multi-tasking Skepticism over need for physical books (admin) Skepticism over need for librarian (faculty) Multi-tasking Incorporating other services Drawing boundaries
Solutions Compromise Effective communication Alternatives to traditional instruction Tegrity Telecourse technologies Adobe Connect Pro Cooperation, not competition
Risks Wasted Resources Spreading ourselves too thin Materials aren’t used Library isn’t visited Spreading ourselves too thin Unable to meet monetary demands Lack of qualified staff
Rewards Getting to Build It Surprise and relief of students Biggest Challenge also biggest reward. Easy to see the faculty/staff impact in collection Surprise and relief of students Constant “make-do” solutions in other areas Getting to know the students better
Where Do We Go From Here? Bigger space Branching out New emphasis Room to expand collection Dedicated lab for instruction Branching out Makers’ spaces. Lending technologies/providing technology access New emphasis Expertise of faculty/staff Curation of collection rather than content
References "Changing Roles of Academic and Research Libraries", American Library Association, April 18, 2007. Questions or Comments?