Moving through Matthew 9 3. Supernatural Surgery (Matt 9v18-26) ‘Contradictions’ Jairus daughter: Is she dead (v18) or dying (Mk 5v23, Lk 8v42)? Matt not bothered about the order, Lk is bothered Lk 1v1-4 The bleeding woman Jesus can heal when no-one else can v20, Mk 5v26 She’s desperate for someone to stop her suffering She’s perpetually ‘unclean’ Lev 15v19-28 Medical science failed her Sometimes the Lord brings us to ‘rock bottom’ It’s then we cry out to Jesus All her options had run out so she runs to the Lord Mk 5v27 Powered by faith that Jesus the Only One Who can help v21
Moving through Matthew 9 3. Supernatural Surgery (Matt 9v18-26) The bleeding woman (continued) She has to fight to get to Jesus Mk 5v24, Lk 8v42 Expect to touch Jesus & know His power v21, Mk 5v29-30 Faith is essential James 1v6-8 God still heals today: Physical healing at Park Ps 118v23 His absolute 1st priority is to heal the spiritually sick Saving eternal life is more impt than saving physical life Jesus always heals the sin-sick soul Jn 6v37 The woman wants to keep her healing a secret Mk 5v29-32 Faith must not be kept private Mk 5v33, Lk 8v47, Mt 9v22 The healing: Affirmed & solidified when she went public v22 She wanted to go unnoticed, but Jesus wants us to tell others