A Long Time Ago There was a beautiful princess called ‘Snow White’.
Unfortunately, one day, a witch made Snow White to move to dwarves’ house in the ‘Deep forest’
But Snow White moved to dwarves’ house by the witch loved the dwarves But Snow White moved to dwarves’ house by the witch loved the dwarves. So they always had a good time.
One day, blue dwarf who came back home from workplace gave a beautiful glass shoe to Snow White. Thank you!
But the glass shoe was Cinderella’s shoe But the glass shoe was Cinderella’s shoe. So Snow White gave the shoe to Cinderella back. Sorry
Next day, Snow White and dwarves went to a picnic Next day, Snow White and dwarves went to a picnic. But two of dwarves fought. Because of their loud voices, Sleeping Beauty woke up.
Snow White gave a sleeping pill to Sleeping Beauty Snow White gave a sleeping pill to Sleeping Beauty. So Sleeping Beauty fell asleep again to wait her prince.
You finished your missions! The other day, suddenly, the witch showed up and said, You finished your missions!
And the witch turned the dwarves to a prince and people.
Snow White and the prince fell in love and they lived happily ever after.