RFU Facility Development Jason Bowers.


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Presentation transcript:

RFU Facility Development Jason Bowers

Are you ready for investment - Want v Need? How will this investment grow or sustain the game? How will this investment increase the quality of experience for all users of the Rugby Club? How will this investment develop a sustainable business model to help the club reinvest? The club would then be entered onto the ORFU Facility plan as a viable project. The RFU then would look to undertake a number of reviews of the clubs governance and management including - Tenure Constitution Accounts Governance Rugby Dev Plan Accreditation Planning Finance.

What might we be able to fund - Changing Rooms (focus on the W and G game). Pitch Projects to increase capacity (NTP Improvements and Lighting) Green Deal Technology – Via RFF Interest Free Loan Clubhouse Development Rugby 365 – Both Rugby Turf and Rugby Share.

Who Can Help? RFU Direct Funding RFF (Rugby Football Foundation) Sport England Section 106 or CIL Money from Local Authorities Landfill Investment Other Funding options. (Aviva / Local Trusts etc. etc.) Where can I find out more – Information – https://www.oxspa.co.uk/funding-guides http://www.englandrugby.com/governance/club-support/financial-management/funding/

Questions Jason Bowers Area Facilities Manager – Area 2 Questions and Contact Details Questions Jason Bowers Area Facilities Manager – Area 2 Jasonbowers@rfu.com or 07703 466773