The space race Record RED info only!
Learning Goals We are learning to recognize the three main battles of the Space Race. We are learning to explain the pathway to putting a man on the moon!
The Space Race 1957 – 1975 USSR and USA national security Started with the launch of Sputnik-I Ended with the joint Apollo- Soyuz mission. national security symbolic of technological and ideological (capitalist vs. communist) superiority The Space Race
Sputnik-I vs. Explorer-I First satellite launched into orbit on October 4, 1957. Studied temperatures in the upper atmosphere. Relayed messages back to Russian Command. Re-entered atmosphere on January 4, 1958 after 3 months in space. First American satellite launched into orbit on January 31, 1958. After failed Vanguard launch Measured radiation levels in upper atmosphere. Re-entered atmosphere on March 31, 1970 after 58,000 orbits.
Sputnik-I Explorer-I
The First Astronauts Laika the Dog Ham the Chimp First Russian “Cosmonaut” into space. Launched into space on November 3, 1957. Unfortunately, due to cabin overheating, Laika died on her fourth day in space. Her spacecraft, Sputnik-II, re-entered the atmosphere April 15, 1958. First American “Astronaut” into space. Launched into space on January 31, 1961. Flight lasted 16 minutes and 39 seconds. Ham was not merely a passenger. Observations led directly to Alan Sheppard’s flight.
Laika the Dog Ham the Chimp
First Men Into Space Yuri Gagarin Alan Sheppard First human into space on April 12, 1961. Flight lasted 1hr 48 minutes. First American into space on May 5, 1961. Flight lasted 15 minutes.
Yuri Gagarin Alan Sheppard
John F. Kennedy The Soviet Union was in the lead of the Space Race after firsts in satellites, animals and humans into space. This prompted president John F. Kennedy to challenge the USA to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade.
Project Mercury (1959-1963) First of the manned NASA spaceflight programs. Mercury-Redstone 3 carried Alan Sheppard. Program consisted of 20 unmanned flights followed by two suborbital and four orbital flights. Mercury-Redstone 3
Final flights powered by Atlas rocket: Height = 28.7 m Diameter = 3.0 m Mass = 120,000 kg. Fuel = Liquid Oxygen Major milestones of Mercury Program: First American in space (Sheppard) First American to orbit the earth (John Glenn) Atlas Rocket
The second of the major NASA planned spaceflight programs. Major goals: Eight-day flight (necessary for trip to the moon) Rendezvous and docking between spacecraft. Extravehicular Activity (spacewalking) Project Gemini (1962-1966)
Project Gemini (1962-1966) Used the Titan Rocket: Height = 33.2 m Diameter = 3.05 m Mass = 154,200 kg. Fuel = Liquid Oxygen / Hydrogen Enough power to lift 3600 kg (payload) into orbit! Project Gemini (1962-1966)
Third and final major manned NASA spaceflights with the moon in mind. Goal: To land on the moon and return a man safely home. Apollo Program (1961-1972)
Apollo Losses The riskiest endeavor NASA undertook was sending a man to the moon and returning safely. The Apollo program, as a result, suffered serious losses to achieve that goal: Apollo 1: Cabin Fire on launch test kills 3 astronauts Apollo 6: Problems with launch vehicle causes NASA to abort mission (unmanned) Apollo 13: Almost lost on way to moon.
After getting closer with each Apollo mission, Apollo 11 finally achieved the goal of getting to the moon on July 20, 1969. Crew of Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong (Commander) Micheal Collins (CM Pilot) Buzz Aldrin (LM Pilot) Armstrong walks on moon The Eagle Has Landed
Saturn V Launch Vehicle The launch vehicle that propelled Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins to the moon. Specs on the Saturn V: Height = 110.6 m Diameter = 10.1 m Mass = 3,039,000 kg Fuel = Liquid Hydrogen / Oxygen Saturn V had enough power to lift 119,000 kg into Low Earth Orbit. Saturn V Launch Vehicle
What went to the Moon? Command Module (Columbia): Housed crew en route to moon. Collins while Aldrin & Armstrong on moon. Lunar Module (Eagle): Landed on moon surface.
Learning Goals We are learning to recognize the three main battles of the Space Race. We are learning to explain the pathway to putting a man on the moon!
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