Healthcare Data Exchange Learning Collaborative (HIE) Agenda Introduction of HIE Collaborative group. (Oscar Perez) Round table introductions. Paso Del Norte HIE Strategic Plan. (Jon Law, Bruce Edmonds) Goals/Topics for Future Meetings. (Rosie Sanchez, Oscar Perez) Topic for this month. (HISP)
HIE Topics / Discussions HIE expectations. HIE challenges. HIE organizations approach. HIE end-user experience. HIE use Factors.
Types of HIEs State-wide HIEs- managed by the government. Private/Proprietary HIEs-Concentrate on a single community of network or ACOs. Hybrid HIEs/HIOs- Collaborations between organizations such as ACOs within a region. Regional/ Community- inter-organizational and depend on a variety of funding sources. Most are not-for-profit.
HIE Expectations The goal of HIE is to facilitate access to and retrieval of clinical data to provide safe, more timely, efficient, effective, equitable patient-centered care. - HIMSS. Appropriate, timely sharing of vital patient information can better inform decision making at the point of care and allow providers to: Avoid readmissions. Avoid medication errors. Improve diagnoses. Decrease duplicate testing.
Health Information Service Provider (HISP) HISP Benefits: Engage patients. Improve care. Increase referrals. Connect entire ecosystem. HISP Benefits toward HIE: Access all healthcare partners. Ability to send and receive secure information electronically between care providers. Ensure security compliance.
Questions Topic for next meeting: HIE value. HIE challenges.