Calls for Termination 1949-1959 What came after : Calls for Termination 1949-1959
A. What is Termination June 1943: Wheeler’s SR 310 calls for Termination Nov. 1944: National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) established Jan. 19, 1945: Collier resigned 1946: Republicans took control of congress
B. Hijaking the ICC 1946: Indian Claims Commission developed 1947: Acting Comm. Of Indian Office William Zimmerman’s lists
C. Changing Federal Structures 1948: BIA setup Urban Relocation program 1949: Comm. On the Organization of the Executive Branch comments 1950 Census 357,000 up 15,000 from 1930 1953: HR 108 Public Law 280
D. Thoughts on Termination Policies Will Rogers Jr. publicly supported termination Indians “did not want to live permanently as government wards.” "A handful of tribal leaders gathered to fight assimilation and termination and now we carry on their work by promoting tribal sovereignty, strengthening our government-to-government relationships with the U.S. government, and working tirelessly so that Native people can have better lives." Joe Garcia, President, National Congress of the American Indian