Growing Up Fit Together for 1st grade Lesson 3 Growing Up Fit Together for 1st grade
Skeleton These are the bones in our bodies. Bones hold up your body and keep it straight. Bones protect your heart and other body parts. Bones cannot move by themselves, they need help from your muscles.
Muscles These are the muscles that make up our bodies. Muscles help you to move your body. There are over 600 muscles in your body. Muscles are all over your body and help you do things like walk, talk, blink, and chew.
Do You Remember? Do you remember which food group was the most important in helping keep our muscles strong? It was the purple group of MyPlate, which is called Proteins.
Let’s Talk About Our Muscles! Now we will talk about two kinds of muscles that can be found in our body!
Voluntary Muscles Voluntary muscles are the ones that move when you want them to. You have to think in order to move these muscles. These types of muscles are those in your arms and legs that make you swing your arms and walk.
Voluntary Muscles Can you name some other things that you think are use voluntary muscles? Waving Walking Turning our head Jumping Running Sitting
Involuntary Muscles Involuntary muscles are the ones that move all the time. You do not have to think in order to move these muscles. They move on their own. These types of muscles are those that make your heart beat, your lungs breathe, and your eyes blink. .
Try This!!! Warm Ups March in place Half neck circles Shoulder shrugs Arm circles Slow toe touch, then reach for the sky Give yourself a hug
Try This!!! Vigorous Exercises Hop on one foot Switch feet and hop on the other foot Walk, Run, and Jog Do 10 jumping jacks
Try This!!! Cool Down Walk slowly in place Arm circles Sway from side to side with arms above your head Give yourself a pat on the back Give yourself a hug
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