HOGAN Practitioners & Client Conference Hogan DEVELOP and LEAD HOGAN Practitioners & Client Conference
Agenda HoganDEVELOP HoganLEAD Employee Development On-boarding Leadership Development Integrating Performance Management Tools
Reports, Planning, Implementation HOGAN DEVELOP
“We provide all new hires with developmental feedback” HoganDEVELOP Organizations have a wide variety of unique employee development needs… “We want to incorporate an assessment & feedback process into our leadership development program” “Our coaches simply need data to use while preparing for coaching sessions” “We provide all new hires with developmental feedback” “We just formed a new team – it needs to spend time discussing how it can work most effectively” “We want to provide our high potentials information they can use to continue to grow and develop”
HoganDEVELOP Regardless of the type of report generated, information from the assessment process can serve as a foundation for… Facilitating Productive Coaching Conversations Considering Opportunities Gaining Self Awareness Seeking Feedback Development Planning Goal Setting
HoganDEVELOP How assessments can facilitate development: Facilitate self awareness Identify behavioral tendencies to keep, stop, and grow Accelerate the coaching process Identify gaps between rewards/desired conditions & behaviors Reflect on motivations capable of impacting behavior Serve as the foundation for developmental planning Self Insight Goal Setting Accountability
Employee Development Cycle Building strategic self-awareness is the foundation for development Internalize Changes Build Awareness I moved this slide out of the onboarding section into the development section and couched it after the slide that stresses Building Awareness as the first step in the development cycle. JS Modify Reputation Target Behaviors Seek Feedback
Implementation: Development Elements of a Development Plan Assessment Hogan suite, plus other assessments Feedback Hogan Certified User to deliver feedback and integrate with other assessment (e.g., 360o) Coaching Guide the participant to emphasize strengths and make behavioral changes to weaknesses Follow-up Check on progress, offer suggestions, address new areas for improvement
HoganDEVELOP: On-Boarding Demonstrate commitment to new hire success: Organizations continue to benefit from assessment data after selection decisions have been made Committed employees are less likely to turnover Regardless of job, show commitment to new hires via provision of Hogan development reports and feedback Help new hires hit the ground running Provide new employees information they can use to enhance their performance from day one Help the individuals who have the greatest impact on employee satisfaction – Managers Help leaders learn how to best manage new employees and manage behavioral tendencies that have the potential to impact their subordinates
HoganDEVELOP: On-Boarding For entry to mid level employees…. Hogan Manage Report Hogan Career Report Provides information managers can use to manage & develop the respondent Development-focused report for non-leadership level employees
HoganDEVELOP: On-Boarding For entry to mid level employees…. Hogan Compass Report Based on results of the MVPI Provides descriptive information Includes tips for Career Development How about adding in a Career Builder as well? JS
HoganDEVELOP: On-Boarding For managers… Helps a new manager understand how to be most effective in his/her new role Management Development Report
HoganDEVELOP: Team Reports Use assessment results to… Facilitate Alignment Help Team develop a common understanding of itself Facilitate awareness Encourage team dialogue As a foundation for discussing team’s goals & vision for the future Determine strengths, barriers, and opportunities to maximize team potential Organizational Goals Team Goals Individual Goals
HoganDEVELOP: Team Reports Use graphic results as a foundation for conversation & team planning Create summary report based on graphic data
Reports, Consulting, Implementation HOGAN LEAD
HoganLEAD Spotlight on solutions specifically focused on Senior-level talent management Ready-to-use candidate screening solutions focused on leadership competencies Several consulting options to accompany candidate screening solutions Lead: Select Leadership-specific … Feedback Development recommendations Team-building applications Talent audits Lead: Develop
HoganLEAD: Leadership Forecast Reports Detailed reports for leaders & developing leaders… Based on the HPI Provides insight regarding how others describe the participant’s day-to-day approach to work and leadership Based on the HDS Highlights stress- or complacency-induced response tendencies capable of impeding the participant’s performance Based on the MVPI Helps the participant understand the work-related motivators and values that influence his/her leadership style Integrates HPI, HDS, & MVPI Results Provides a template for development planning
HoganLEAD: Leadership Forecast Reports Detailed analysis of each scale… General behavioral implications Implications related to performance in a leadership role Linkages to common leadership competencies
HoganLEAD: Leadership Forecast Reports Developmental suggestions included in each report Capitalizing on strengths Areas to focus on for development
HoganLEAD: Summary Report Integrates HPI, HDS, &MVPI results into easy- to-read descriptive information High level summary, presented in terms of major job dimensions Describes general characteristics related to effective performance Reports can assist with coaching, development, decision making & on- boarding
HoganLEAD: High Potential Report Predicts leadership potential Based on HPI, HDS, MVPI Aligns with business competencies Provides quality information for: selection decisions on-boarding development Easy to implement and use
HoganLEAD: High Potential Report 10 Leadership Competencies Relevant for virtually any leadership position Assessment results and interview questions provided for each competency Results compared to over 1,000 High Potential candidates for global brands such as Johnson & Johnson
HoganLEAD: High Potential Report HiPo Report Incorporates data from HPI, HDS, and MVPI Normed on a sample of global high potentials Uses the Hogan Domain Model Can be implemented instantly
HoganLEAD: High Potential Report Includes an Interview Guide for thorough evaluation
9-Box Talent Mgmt System High Potential Average Low Lagging Meeting Exceeding Performance
9-Box Talent Mgmt System High Potential Average Low Lagging Meeting Exceeding Performance
The challenge…improve the culture and the “bottom line”. Case Study Significant retailer. 200 stores, 4000 employees. The challenge…improve the culture and the “bottom line”.
Case Study First step, conduct Employee Opinion Survey to measure culture. Satisfaction/engagement scores ranged from 50% to 92%. The norm is 69% and the gold medal is 75%. What caused this variation?
Case Study The answer is Management! The high scoring stores have 10% staff turnover, below average sick leave and high levels of sales and productivity. The low scoring scores have 70% staff turnover, double the sick leave and modest sales and productivity.
Case Study Conclusion…leadership creates the culture and culture delivers results. Therefore an investment in leadership is an investment in “the bottom line”. Action…leadership program using Hogan.
Business Excellence Model 1. Leadership Self management…awareness, composure, integrity Relationship management... partnerships, setting agendas, persuasion skills Working ‘in’ the business…capacity, efficiency, performance Working ‘on’ the business…strategy, culture, execution Working on the IQ and the EQ, getting the balance right between ‘in’ and ‘on’ the business, cohesive management teams and zero tolerance for silos. 2.Culture Having a three year strategic plan Having a one year plan with clear goals (external/internal) and milestones Having values supported by behaviours that come from employees The right people (who feel valued), with the right attitude Great processes…get it right first time every time Customer focus (internal/external)…think ‘customers for life’ A high performing culture produces motivation, discretionary effort, retention and delivery of strategy. 3. Performance Financial People Leadership Productivity Culture Product/service performance Customers Corporate social responsibility
Other Opinions When at GE Jack Welch had managers assessed for living the values and delivering the numbers. Daniel Goleman, “Emotional Intelligence” guru says leadership success is 20% IQ and 80% EQ. PepsiCo evaluate managers 50% for the way they lead people and 50% for their results, because it’s through people that we deliver performance.
Best Practice Leadership “The Leadership Advantage” (Fulmer/Bleak, 2008) defines best practice leadership. Leadership programs are based on business strategy. Leadership programs help managers communicate strategy and engage staff. Developing people is a measure of executive success. Return on learning is measured by corporate success.
Case Study Leadership programs based on return on investment…this is best practice! Return on investment is measured by improving Employee Opinion scores, reducing staff turnover and increasing sales and productivity.
Strategic Plan Business planning…key challenges are to double the number of stores and therefore employees. Be an employer of choice. Grow the reputation of the brand. Reduce staff turnover. Grow sales/productivity, the “bottom line”.
Hogan Profiles (HPI)
Hogan Profiles (HDS)
Hogan Profiles (MVPI)
Hogan Summary – Self Management They are emotionally resilient, will stay calm under pressure. They will be watchful, fault finding and have a sixth sense. They are hedonistic, they will enjoy good times and good people.
Relationship management They have good people skills, they enjoy variety, socialising and networking. They have strong relationship skills, enjoy setting agendas and leading people. They have confident personalities and should present as robust individuals.
Working “in” the business They will be detail oriented, conscientious, their work will be of high quality. They may be nit-picky, fault finding and sometimes hard to please. They prefer “science” to the “arts”, they will be good trouble shooters and problem solvers. They prefer functionality over appearance.
Working “on” the business Wow!!! Their Ambition, Power and Commerce scores are through the roof. They are super confident, competitive, leader like and assertive. They have passion about business and finance. They believe that the purpose of life is to win.
Next Hogan Steps Consider using Hogan for screening, selection, on-boarding and development. Continue to use Hogan for future leadership programs. Use Hogan for coaching. Consider using PBC 360 as a companion piece for further development.
Conclusion Investing in leadership is an investment in the “bottom line”. The Hogan Assessments are an incredible tool to use in leadership programs. The purpose of leadership is to create a great culture that delivers great results.