DAC3484 Test
DAC3484 Test Note: Must run DAC GUI as administrator Test Setup: 1Hz complex tone sent from TSW1400EVM, DAC in PLL mode. Test conditions: Fdac = 614.4Msps Int Clk 4x Interpolation Set jumper shunts as follows: JP4 2-3, JP5 2-3, and JP6 1-2 NCO set to 30MHz DAC output = 30.000001MHz Note: Must run DAC GUI as administrator
Load config file under DAC3484 directory as shown below
Verify LED D1 LOCK is illuminated Verify LED D1 LOCK is illuminated. If not, toggle the “Wake up” button shown below , located at the top of the GUI.
In the Digital tab, enter “614 In the Digital tab, enter “614.4” for the NCO Fsample frequency, “30” for the NCO_AB and NCO_CD frequency. Click on SIF Sync twice. The GUI shall look as shown below.
CDCE62005 Tab The PLL LOCK indicator does not work (ignore).
Set Data Rate = 153. 6MHz, and DAC option to 2’s comp Set Data Rate = 153.6MHz, and DAC option to 2’s comp. In I/Q Multitone Generator, set the # to 1 and Tone center to 2MHz. Default samples should be 65536. Set the tone selection to “Complex”. Click on “Create Tones”. Click on “Send”. HSDC Pro GUI shall look as shown in following screen. The output will now be a tone at the NCO frequency, which is 30MHz.
DAC SMA output