Healthy living 101
Sub-Topics within the “big” topic Sugar hidden in healthy foods Sugar for children Sugar “education” for adults Sugar and effects on education Sugar and long term health effects Sugar and big corporations Sugar substitutes: are they really healthier?
Break it down even more (ask some questions) Are foods that are labelled as “healthy” true to their advertisement? Should there be more guidelines in place to help parents make educated choices when it comes to the amount of sugar (and other “junk”) they are letting their children eat? Do adults have the appropriate resources available to help them make informed decisions when it comes to food?
It is up to you to make a statement! It’s your turn to answer the questions by making a judgement By doing this, you are creating a strong topic sentence This part must express the issue at hand, your stance/POV and it needs to be bold & confident!
Statements and stances Are foods that are labelled as “healthy” true to their advertisement? A) Many foods, though labelled “healthy”, are simply junk food in disguise B) The food industry is making a true effort to help consumers make conscious decisions by labelling certain foods as healthy
Statements and stances Should there be more guidelines in place to help parents make educated choices when it comes to the amount of sugar (and other “junk”) they are letting their children eat? A) The Canadian Association for Healthy Living is failing parents by not making resources readily available for families. B) The Canadian Association for Healthy living has resources available to parents and families; however, they simply choose not to use them.
Statements and Stances Do adults have the appropriate resources available to help them make informed decisions when it comes to food? A) In the busy and ever-changing world of the 21st century, consumers do not have time to research their food choices. It is the responsibility of the corporations to only provide products with excellent nutritional value. B) Given the amount of technology that is used today, it has never been easier for one to make informed choices about their food consumption.
Your Homework Big idea #1 QUESTION Answer A Answer B
Your Homework Big idea #2 QUESTION Answer C Answer D