Housing LIN update 2018/19 Jeremy Porteus Managing Director
Policy news: National Planning Policy Framework Consultation Housing LIN response available on website (shortly) Improving Health and Care Through the Home: National MoU– 25+ signatories including Housing LIN Social Care Green Paper, summer 2018 (holding a meeting with DHCS and BEIS on 1 August – expect autumn announcement) NPPF consultation: Housing LIN response highlighted a number of points. While welcoming the retention of the reference to the housing needs of older and disabled people, we highlighted that the draft definition of good design did not include any reference to inclusive design and design which enables healthy ageing, and we hoped that this omission would be addressed in the final version. We also looked forward to anticipated forthcoming detailed guidance from the Secretary of State to support local housing needs analysis, focusing on the needs of older and disabled people, as required by the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017 (no reference was made to this in the draft NPPF or any of the accompanying documents). The MoU sets out a shared vision and commitment to integration across housing, health and care. Partners include Housing LIN, Public Health England, Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Care and Repair England, ADASS, LGA, Foundations, CIH, NHF, Homeless Link, and many more. It is anticipated that the Social Care Green Paper will include a strong focus on the role of housing in ensuring good outcomes for people with care and support needs.
Funding news: Housing LIN response to Government’s Funding of Supported Housing consultation Further response and formal statement expected from the Government in the summer of 2018 Homes England’s Continuous Market Engagement set to deliver DHCS’s CASSH priorities – Phase 2 recently reopened Opportunities to engage with Government in relation to the Ageing Grand Challenge as part of their Industrial Strategy - The Housing LIN broadly welcomed the decision to keep the funding for ‘sheltered’ and ‘long term’ supporting housing within the welfare system, but raised some concerns about the proposals for ‘short term’ supported housing to replace the current funding arrangements via the welfare system with a ring fenced grant to local authorities. At the same time, we highlighted some positive opportunities which a more holistic approach and a stronger role for local authorities might support, including the requirement on local authorities to produce a strategic plan for supported housing in their areas, with a key role for commissioning teams in top tier local authority areas. - Early discussions with the Department of Health and Social Care, in connection with the Industrial Strategy, suggests a strong interest in working with the Housing LIN and other partners to explore future design standards for homes which enable healthy and active ageing (across the life course) – including ‘inclusive’ design as well as other areas including consideration of energy use, security features, design which enables healthy lifestyles, digital solutions, and technology which promotes health and wellbeing.
HLIN 2018 annual conference – the best yet! Housing LIN annual conference, ‘A Fresh Look at Homes for All Ages’ – 23 March 2018 All presentations at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/Housing-LIN-Annual-Conference-2018/ Highlights included Jeremy Myerson exploring the potential of design for enhanced later life, perspectives from the CLG Select Committee into housing for older people from Helen Hayes MP, and inspirational examples of innovative models of housing and care from the USA from Dr Bill Thomas. There were a total of 18 workshops across the day on topics as diverse as the housing needs of older people from BME communities, the experience of Housing and Care 21 in moving towards becoming a ‘dementia friendly’ organisation, the use of technology in assisted living – and much, much more. Many thanks to our sponsors, who are all acknowledged on the webpage, without whom the conference would not be possible.
RIBA Bookshops - #AgeFriendlyHousing Useful policy context, Insights, Info boxes and examples of mainstream and specialist housing for older people. From ordinary housing, bungalows, retirement villages to extra care, residential care & hospices Co-living & intergenerational living Adaptations and future proofing our homes, including tech and eco-build 15 case studies (England and Europe) £5 discount = AGE5 https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/RIBA-age-friendly-housing/ - This report was written by Jeremy Porteus, who provided secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing for an Ageing Population. HAPPI 4, and all previous HAPPI reports, can be found on the Housing LIN website at www.housinglin.org.uk/HAPPI/ A few copies of the report are sent along other meeting’s papers
Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence – HAPPI 4 APPG (Housing and Care for Older People) Inquiry concludes that older people's housing is neglected in rural areas, and recommends: MHCLG should recognise differences between housing policies appropriate for urban and rural areas MHCLG should not remove obligation on every local authority to prepare a Local Plan (as per draft NPPF) since this provides planning framework for healthy, well designed places All new homes should be built to the Lifetime Homes standards of accessibility that serve the needs of people of all ages Homes England to give special consideration to older people’s housing in rural areas, and to continue to champion HAPPI design principles Local Planning Authorities to pay special regard to the needs of older people in rural communities as well as the key workers needed to support them - This report was written by Jeremy Porteus, who provided secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing for an Ageing Population. HAPPI 4, and all previous HAPPI reports, can be found on the Housing LIN website at www.housinglin.org.uk/HAPPI/ A few copies of the report are sent along other meeting’s papers
Supported housing for people with learning disabilities Mencap report, written by the Housing LIN: Underpinned by goal of many people with a learning disability to live an independent life, and to find a home which enables this Specialised supported housing - cost-effective alternative to institutional care, with improved quality of life Context of rising demand Little or no public subsidy available Report sets out recommendations to transform range of housing options for people with complex needs, ensure operating viability and retain investor confidence in the sector This report is available on the Housing LIN website. The findings of this report are very timely in the light of the ongoing priorities to improve housing options for people with learning disabilities across the country, as part of the Transforming Care Programme.
Recent Housing LIN blogs offering thought-leadership: NHS at 70 - invoking the vision of Bevan Eco-friendly cohousing in Cambridge: Building a Shared Future across all ages MyPlace: Building the right home, transforming our community Quiet, light, cosy – how Extra Care design can help people with hearing loss These are just a few examples of the most recent blogs which have been published. The Housing LIN aims to publish a wide range of perspectives to encourage fresh thinking and stimulate debate. If you would like to contribute a blog, offering an innovative, refreshing or thought-provoking perspective, please get in touch with the Housing LIN and let us know your idea.
Recent Housing LIN Resources Case Study 149 on Village 135, Wythenshawe Damian Utton of Pozzoni Architecture, details how the needs of the ageing population in the local area have been addressed in the Village 135 development. Interactive map (joint with Foundations UK) Showcasing housing services / projects across England helping people to be discharged from hospital, and supporting NHS and social care partners to reduce Delayed Transfers of Care (DToC) New resources are going onto the website every week – these are just a few recent examples. The Housing LIN publishes a range of resources, including case studies, viewpoints, research and evidence reports, technical guides, and more recently, a collection of short videos / films on topics of interest to Housing LIN members. We also publish, or provide links to reports, evidence and exemplars of good practice which have been developed by other organisations (where they are happy for us to do so) – as part of the Housing LIN’s role as the go-to platform for all you need to know about housing with care, supported housing, age-friendly and inclusive design, and planning for inclusive communities.
Housing LIN – projects in progress Supporting NHS England in Yorkshire and Humberside on the Transforming Care Programme to improve housing for people with learning disability/autism Joint work with the Centre for Ageing Better and the Race Equality Foundation to explore the housing needs of older people from BME communities In early discussion with partners to develop a Housing LIN Scotland Housing LIN Cymru – work in progress following ‘A Housing AGEnda’ report for Wales last year – new Integrated Care Funds announced Possible new Housing LIN ‘Young Leaders’ Programme – watch this space…! BME project: Housing LIN and Race Equality Foundation have jointly commissioned a piece of research / census analysis on this topic by Manchester University; REF, the Centre for Ageing Better and the Housing LIN will be jointly hosting a round table event in July 2018 to explore the conclusions of this research in detail and consider priority areas where further work / recommendations may be needed. The interventions covered in the map include projects and services where housing providers are offering extra care apartments for the purposes of step down from hospital; where housing officers are working as part of an integrated hospital discharge team; and where community based housing services are offering fast track repairs, adaptations and telecare services to enable people to come home from hospital. The Housing LIN and Foundations would welcome submissions of new projects, or projects we don’t yet know about, to be added to the map, which we will be aiming to update regularly – possibly quarterly – though the exact arrangements for this have not yet been finalised. Possible new ‘Young Leaders’ programme for the Housing LIN is currently being explored. Please do get in touch if you have some good ideas about this or if you would like to contribute to our thinking.
Housing LIN activities YouTube videos: 6 more to follow including latest on design and extra care housing this week https://www.housinglin.org.uk/News/The-Housing-LIN-launches-fifth-video-in-our-Spotlight-on-Extra-Care-Housing-series/ Training: developing a selection of courses for those new to managing extra care housing, MCA and autism awareness Good practice: A member of NHS England’s Healthy New Towns advisory panel supporting 10 sites capture learning in a new guide You should have received an email on our GDPR compliance policy if you are subscribed to the Housing LIN. Please do let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas about a potential Housing LIN training offer. The Housing LIN is creating a new Healthy New Towns page on the website to enable all the relevant resources to be easily located in one place. The RIBA book is due to be published in June 2018.
Housing LIN consultancy Underpinning your learning and improvement Developed new service webpages setting our consultancy, training and wider fee paying services to supplement our free online and regional Housing LIN networking activities. Examples of work include: Strategic Housing for Older People Market Analysis for several county councils and unitary authorities in Wales and England (the latter as part of the LGA Housing Advisor programme) Undertaking sheltered housing ‘fit for purpose’ asset management reviews for housing associations in the Midlands and Yorkshire Commissioned by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists refresh its 2006 guide, Minor Adaptations without Delay Supporting Appello’s digital ‘roadmap’ – survey of Housing LIN members on their state of readiness to digital switchover - Please do get in touch with the Housing LIN team if you would like to discuss our consultancy services and how we might be able to work with you.
Connecting with the Housing LIN Over 40,000+ subscribers but still the ‘best kept secret’! Sign up to receive our free quarterly newsletter, Housing with Care Matters, and weekly bulletin, LINks Check out our free-to-view online resources, including #InspirationalAchievements page at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/Inspirational-Achievements/prp/ Get involved and share your learning on our discussion forum and at these events Follow us on twitter at @HousingLIN and @HousingLINews Host a future regional Housing LIN meeting Sponsor our website or an event
Thank you! C/o EAC 3rd Floor, 89 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TP email: info@housinglin.org.uk tel: 020 7820 8077 website: www.housinglin.org.uk Twitter: @HousingLIN @HousingLINews