Evaluation of the marketing standards framework for fishery and aquaculture products Presentation to the Market Advisory Council 23 May 2018 Brussels
Who we are
Agenda Objectives of the study Presentation of the team Objectives of EU Marketing Standards Overview of the methodology Consultation of stakeholders Evaluation questions to be addressed Next steps Discussion
Objectives of the study The Evaluation will examine the 5 evaluation criteria established by the EU Better Regulation Package: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value of the current marketing standards framework for fishery products In doing so, the evaluation team will pay a particular attention to : The ability of marketing standards to address market needs The potential for simplification, improved implementation and enforceability; the adequacy of the scope of marketing standards ; the impact on the supply of the EU market; Council Regulation (EC) No 2136/89: preserved sardines and sardine-like products; Council Regulation (EC) No 1536/92: preserved tuna and bonito products; and Council Regulation (EC) No 2406/96: fresh and chilled fishery products.
Presentation of the team
Objectives of EU Marketing Standards Realise the full potential of the internal market by ensuring that products marketed within the EU comply with the same quality requirements. Facilitate marketing activities based on fair competition and help to improve the profitability of production. Ensure that imported products meet the same requirement as Union products Ensure that the EU market is supplied with sustainable products
Overall approach Inception Preliminary desk research Mar 2018 Apr 2018 Aug 2018 Nov 2018 Mar 2019 Inception Preliminary desk research Familiarisation interviews Refining Methods and tools Data collection Desk research Open Public Consultation (OPC) EU-wide survey for National Authorities 6 Case Studies including interviews with the industry EU-level organisations Analysis Background description Analysis and triangulation of data Answers to the Evaluation Questions Conclusions Recommendations Recommendations based on data collection and analysis Test recommendations with stakeholders Final recommendations
Consultation of stakeholders (1) EU-wide consultation of public authorities: Online questionnaire with possible follow-up Obtain information on the implementation and control of EU marketing standards from all MS Obtain feedback on NA’s perception from all MS Specific emphasis on efficiency and enforceability issues Consultation of stakeholders in the supply chain: Individual interviews and/or focus groups will be carried out in 6 MS : DK, ES, FR, HR, IT and NL Obtain feedback from the industry on costs and benefits of marketing standards Will cover the different sub-sectors and all the supply chain stages Specific emphasis on market needs and usefulness
Consultation of stakeholders (2) Open Public Consultation : Allow to target a wider audience Make sure that all relevant stakeholders have the opportunity to express their views Will include questions for both an expert and a non-expert audience EU level: Interviews at EU level (relevant Commission staff and EU representative organisations) Discussion at expert group and advisory council level
Evaluation questions The evaluation study is structured around 5 evaluation criteria : Relevance: to what extent do the current scope and criteria used in EU marketing standards address market needs? i.e. is the information provided relevant at the different stages of the supply chain and for the different sub-sectors covered? Effectiveness: how do marketing standards affect the trade and marketing of fishery products? What is the impact on product quality, market fairness and transparency, level-playing field between EU and non-EU products, other CFP objectives? Efficiency: what are the costs for administrations and for operators? Are the benefits worth the costs? Would there be better alternatives to achieve the same results? Is there potential for simplification? Coherence: coherence with other EU rules (food safety, hygiene, consumer information, conservation rules), as well as with other relevant norms and standards EU added value: what can be achieved by EU intervention, that would not be achieved otherwise (e.g. through national public standards or private certifications)?
Next steps The coming months will be dedicated to gathering data and information from the various stakeholders, in particular NAs and the industry (representative organisations and a sample of operators) The NA survey and case studies are expected to run until mid-July Next deliverable is due in August 2018 and will include the background analysis and report on the data collection The OPC is expected to be in June and to run until Sept/Oct A small sample of stakeholders will be consulted again during the 1st trimester of 2019 to test the recommendations
Your input: Possible inadequacy of existing marketing standards: Potential issues with current criteria (specific species, origin, etc.) Potential issues with the implementation of marketing standards (e.g. differences in implementation in different locations, difficulties related to new technologies, etc.) Usefulness of marketing standards in practice : Do operators actually use marketing standards to assess products quality ? Are prices set by quality/size category? Does it depend on the organization / stage of the supply chains? Costs/burden for operators: Costs/ unnecessary tasks related to marketing standards and who bear them Level-playing field with imports : Examples of differences between EU and non-EU products (specific species) Products not covered by marketing standards : Examples of products covered by other types of standards (e.g. Codex, AFNOR, national standards): advantages and drawbacks; Examples of products not covered by any standards: how is the quality assessed and how are prices set?
Discussion Q&A
Thank you Contacts for follow-up Séverine Renault severine.renault@and-international.com Rod Cappell rod@consult-poseidon.com Safa Souidi safa.souidi@and-international.com