Lesson Plans Week 1 M. Unser English Grade 7 Advanced September 8-11, 2015 Homebase: assign lockers if needed, bell schedule, locker schedule, fire drill and emergency, Tuesday folders, Returning forms
Tuesday Warm-Up Fold your notecard in half. On one side of the card write your first name. On the other side write your last name. On the inside of the card, write: Your birth month and day your favorite color what you like to read where you were born
Tuesday September 8, 2015 Fire drill and emergency procedures Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.7 TSW write in a variety of forms with emphasis on exposition Fire drill and emergency procedures CARE procedures and process Viking Coins Chance Cards “Agree” statements activity Fire drill/emergency; rules/expectations; warm-up notebook 3
Wednesday Warm-Up Garden: Overgrown:: Praise: ________ Copy and Complete the following analogies: Friends: Cooperate:: criminals: ___________ Throttle Flog Trammel Connive Garden: Overgrown:: Praise: ________ Forthcoming Convivial Terse zealous
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.5 TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts: narrative structure (setting, characters, plot, conflict); make confirm, revise predictions Syllabus Online Reading Log Author Study: Mark Twain Review Reciprocal Teaching Roles Teams Read and Discuss The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. Stop at least 4 times during reading to discuss and complete the reciprocal teaching chart
Thursday Warm-Up The Latin prefix “trans” means “over”, “across”, or “through”. Make a list of words that you can think of that start with that prefix. Transportation, transport, transcontinental, transvestite, transit, transgression, transparent, transition, transcribe
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.7 TSW write in a variety of forms: use a variety of prewriting strategies to generate and organize ideas Writer’s Workshop Mini-Lesson: Setting up your notebook Model Writing: My heart Sustained Writing: All about Me or What’s in my Heart? Conference and Share
Friday Warm-Up Bulwark: Attack:: _______________ Copy and Complete the following analogies: Bulwark: Attack:: _______________ Bullet: rifle Vaccine: virus Battle: war Soldier: fort In Space: Looming:: In time: _________ Threatening Incipient Impending Forthcoming
Friday, September 11, 2014 Agree Statements Activity (continued) Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.5 TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts: make inferences and draw conclusions based on text Agree Statements Activity (continued) Continued: Teams Read and Discuss The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. Stop at least 4 times during reading to discuss and complete the reciprocal teaching chart Independent Reading/Reading Log 9
I had a great summer!
I read a good book over summer vacation.
I am excited about the seventh grade!
I enjoyed a trip this summer.
I am a good reader.
I like to write.
I enjoy working with a group during class time.
I like the color green.
I get along well with others.
I have goals to achieve this year
I like my sisters and brothers.
I enjoy sports.
I was excited to come back to school.
I am a hard worker
I learn best through hands-on activities
I like music.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree