An algorithm for evaluation of ENQA membership applications Prof. György BAZSA, President Hungarian Accreditation Committee, ENQA – INQAAHE seminar Paris, 28 May, 2009.
ENQA Board’s decision about QA membership Application / accepted Board Decision: yes/no + 4C? + Report? Action plan: Obligatory? Recommended? Evaluated after 5 years? Review committee ? SER Panel Report draft / final QAA
Publicity of ENQA reviews via internet Recommended / Obligatory / Not public Event ENQA homepage QAA homepage Review started O SER R Visit (date, panel) Report (final) Board’s decision Action plan
ENQA should determine a code of behaviour for a successful site visit We propose a code of contact during visits Be well prepared in advance Proper appearance (clothing etc.) Shaking hands (if) Personal introduction of both sides Full attention to the meeting (no phone etc.) Be equal partner Never leave the meeting …
How to manage the meeting? The meeting should be planned: chairing, raising questions, asking more information etc. The meeting should be managed Critical friends are asking friendly and critically Names and positions on the table Greeting and introduction in all cases Be prepared whom to meet and what about Raise concrete questions Avoid hobby horses personal question Ask for extra remarks of the interviewees Provide a short summary Thanks for coming Keep the time schedule
How to share the work between review panel? Panel members have equal rights, chair and secretary have extra duties, but the chair shouldn’t dominate the meeting Distribute questions in advance, but raise actual ones too Panel shouldn’t debate during the meeting, reach agreement before meeting Each panel member should take notes Panel members could chair several sessions Chairing person should summarize at the end and then internally after the meeting