KEY CONCEPT Fungi are heterotrophs that absorb their food.


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Presentation transcript:

KEY CONCEPT Fungi are heterotrophs that absorb their food.

Fungi are adapted to absorb their food from the environment. Plants and fungi have different traits. Fungal cell walls are made of chitin. Plant cell walls are made of cellulose. Plants have chlorophyll and photosynthesize. Fungi absorb food through hyphae.

Fungi are multicellular organisms, with the exception of yeasts. hyphae mycellium fruiting body

Fungi come in many shapes and sizes. Primitive fungi are aquatic and have flagellated spores. Sac fungi form a reproductive sac, or ascus. Yeasts are single-celled sac fungi. Morels and truffles are multicellular sac fungi.

Bread molds are often found on spoiled food. form zygospores during reproduction mycorrhizae belong to this group

Club fungi have fruiting bodies which are club-shaped. reproductive structures called basidia include mushrooms, puffballs, and shelf fungi

Fungi reproduce sexually and asexually. Most fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually. Yeasts reproduce asexually through budding. Yeasts form asci during sexual reproduction.

Multicellular fungi have complex reproductive cycles. distinctive reproductive structures

Multicellular fungi have complex reproductive cycles. life cycles may include either sexual or asexual reproduction or both

Multicellular fungi have complex reproductive cycles. life cycles may include either sexual or asexual reproduction or both

All fungi form spores and zygotes.