The 2010 7th Annual FEMSA State of the Fire Service Survey- Results Slide Presentation
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: What is your primary reason for purchasing new apparatus?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: How do you fund your new fire apparatus purchases? (Check all that apply)
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Which of the following new apparatus are you planning to purchase within the next three years? (C ...
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: How is your department dealing with the rapidly increasing cost of apparatus?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Given that fire departments are running more and more EMS calls, how have you changed your equipm ...
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Which of the following best describes your department’s approach to new apparatus purchases?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Which of the following best describes the value of NFPA requirements to your department?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Before you prepare a bid specification, do you check to see if there is an NFPA Standard that cov ...
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Would you consider purchasing products for your department that do not meet the applicable NFPA S ...
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Would you purchase NFPA compliant equipment even if it were more expensive than non-compliant equ ...
NFPA 1851, Standard on Selection, Care and Maintenance of Structural Fire Fighting Protective Ensembles, specifies that all PPE items shall be retired following a maximum of 10 years of service.
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Were you aware of these requirements?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Are you currently meeting these requirements?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: NFPA 1901 Standard on Automotive Fire Apparatus covers most all aspects of apparatus. How do your ...
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: Is it important that the testing lab certifying NFPA compliance is well recognized?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: How many firefighters are in your department?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: What is your department type?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: What is the size of the population served?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: What is your department's region?
FEMSA 2010 Survey on NFPA Standards: What is your rank?