Be part of the Parkside School’s first Sports Presentation Evening! Evening includes: Formal presentations Buffet meal Raffle Disco Awards to be presented: Team Awards - performance, players’ player, progress Team of the Year Award – most successful team in school Sports Performer of the Year – boy & girl from each year group Outstanding Achievement Award – success in sport outside of school
Invites have been sent out on parent mail. For students all in Yr 7 – 11 who have attended extra curricular clubs / play in sports team. Invites have been sent out on parent mail. Any questions, see a member of the PE Faculty.
Have you got your ticket yet?
Not played for a school team / club but fancy joining the party? See a member of PE staff
performance, players’ player, progress Team Awards performance, players’ player, progress Team of the Year Award most successful team in school Sports Performer of the Year boy & girl from each year group Outstanding Achievement Award success in sport outside of school