ESSnet on Linked Open Statistics Antoaneta Ilkova Kick-off meeting, 9th January 2018 2 "P. Volov" St., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, Background Invitation to set up a consortium April 2017 ESSnet signed 22.11.2017 Grant agreement No. 1102.2017.001-2017.661 Framework Partnership Agreement: 4 partners National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria, Coordinator Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), France, Co-partner Istituto Nazionale Di Statistica (ISTAT), Italy, Co-partner Central Statistics Office (Ireland), Ireland, Co-partner 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, BUDGET Total 619 696.32 EUR Contribution from the Commission - 95% 588 711.50 EUR 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, ESS Vision 2020: Key areas 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, General objectives Demonstrate the value of LOD for the ESS and for users and stakeholders Deliver sustainable solutions that can be relied on and reused by other institutes Build a community of practice within the ESS and the international community of official statistical offices 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, Specific objectives Promote proven solutions instead of cutting-edge technology Use open solutions when possible Conform to existing standards in linked data Liaise with external organisations and initiatives (W3C, EU Publications Office, UK project, Dissemination chain project...) 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, Target groups Heavy data users Re-distributors of statistical information 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, 3 Work packages WP0 - coordination, BNSI WP1 - LOD Pilots, User Assessment and Recommendations on Horizontal Topics, CSO WP2 - ESS Networking, Cooperation and Capacity Building, INSEE 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
Dissemination towards the ESS Software deliverables Set of documents on uses of LOS pilots and on recommendations on horizontal topics Project web site Stakeholder workshop Platform for collaboration Documents providing recommendations on software and infrastructure solutions related to LOD Collection of self-study material Webinars ‘Introduction to Statistical LOD’ and ‘Statistical LOD from a user perspective’ 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515
2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, Expected benefits Enhance the efficiency of the European statistical system ESS as a key provider of data for policy making and for the society as a whole in a digital world Thank you for your attention! 2 "P. Volov" Str., 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 9857 515