Identify Key Factors that Impact Effective Change Efforts


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Presentation transcript:

Identify Key Factors that Impact Effective Change Efforts Intermediate Cost Analysis and Management Show Slide #1: Identify Key Factors that Impact Effective Change Efforts Title: Identify Key Factors that Impact Effective Change Efforts References: Handouts, Excel Spreadsheets Facilitator Material and Student Material: Dry erase markers, white boards, access to Excel spreadsheets, case-studies Facilitator Material: Each primary facilitator should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, practical exercises, access to Excel spreadsheets, case-studies All required references and technical manuals will be provided by the local Command. Student Material: Students should possess course handouts, practical exercises, access to Excel spreadsheets, case-studies and standard classroom supplies. The 21st Century Soldier Competencies are essential to ensure Soldiers and leaders are fully prepared to prevail in complex, uncertain environments. This lesson reinforces the following 21st Century Soldier Competencies:   Communication and Engagement (Oral, written, and negotiation) Critical thinking, intergovernmental, and multinational competence Tactical and Technical Competence Throughout the lesson discussion seek opportunities to link the competencies with the lesson content through the student’s experiences. 15.3

Power and Resistance We know from Physics that we must apply force greater than the weight of an object to be able to move it. The same applies in dealing with Change . . . We need to apply proportionate Power which outweighs the force itself for the duration of the change. Show Slide #2: Concrete Experience (Power and Resistance) Facilitator’s Note: (Concrete Experience 10 minutes) Present students the slide statements Ask students what their thoughts are on “Power and Resistance” Facilitator’s Note: (Publish and Process 10 minutes) The critical portion of this part of the ELM process is to force the students to reflect. Ask a series of thought influencing questions. Facilitator’s Note: Motivator: We know from Physics that we must apply force greater than the weight of an object to be able to move it. The same applies in dealing with Change . . . We need to apply proportionate Power which outweighs the force itself for the duration of the change.

Terminal Learning Objective Action: Identify Key Factors that Impact Effective Change Efforts Condition: You are training to become an ACE with access to ICAM course handouts, readings, spreadsheet tools, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors Standard: With at least 80% accuracy: Describe the theory of overcoming resistance to change Show Slide #3: TLO Facilitator’s Note: Read the TLO Task: Identify Key Factors that Impact Effective Change Efforts Condition: You are training to become an ACE with access to ICAM course handouts, readings, spreadsheet tools, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors Standard: With at least 80% accuracy: Describe the theory of overcoming resistance to change Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM 385-30, Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 DELIBERATE RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29. Environmental Considerations: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. See next slide.

Overcoming Resistance to Change in Organizations Participation Education and communication Resistance to Change Show Slide #4: Instructional Lead-in Facilitator Note: This graphic demonstrates the process of overcoming resistance by applying: Participation Education and communication Facilitation Force Field Analysis Facilitation Force-field analysis

Understanding Resistance to Change Overcoming Resistance to Change Encourage active participation in the change process Provide education and communication about the change process Facilitate the change process by making only necessary changes, announcing changes in advance, and allowing time to adapt to change Use force-field analysis to focus efforts on removing barriers to change Show Slide #5: Resistance to Change Theory Facilitator Note: Change Agent must: - Communicate - details - rationale - Participate in the process - ownership - commitment - Provide empathy and support

Key Factors That Impact Performance in the Change Process 1. Magnitude 2. Leadership 3. Barriers 4. Alignment 5. Building human capital 6. Right skills and behaviors 7. Incentives and rewards 8. Stakeholders 9. Effective action plan Show Slide #6: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Key Factors That Impact Performance in the Change Process

1. Magnitude and Impact of Planned Change How big is the change and how urgent is the need? Is it reasonably achievable? To what extent will employees need to act differently? How significant are the organizational and structural changes? How different are the new/ reengineered business processes? Are they well defined? Show Slide #7: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: What is the magnitude and nature of the desired change? What are the behaviors and performance today, what needs to change, and how soon do they need to change? To what extent does meeting the performance objectives require the organizations leadership and employees to behave or perform differently? What organizational and structural changes need to be implemented? What new and/or reengineered business processes are needed? Are they well defined? How different are they from present processes? How well defined are the skills and training needed to implement and effectively operate changed processes and systems?

2. Creating an Effective Leadership Structure How strongly does the executive leadership team support the change? Are they perceived as effectively leading the change initiative? Is there a strong executive sponsor? Does the project team have strong leadership? What improvements are needed? Show Slide #8: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Creating an Effective Leadership Structure

3. Understanding the Barriers and Resistors to Change What are the critical change issues and barriers to change? Have they been clearly defined? How do they differ among employee groups? Does the change management strategy effectively deal with differences amongst groups and types of personnel? Show Slide #9: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Understanding the Barriers and Resistors to Change

4. Organization’s Alignment How well are the organization’s culture, structure and human resource investments aligned with the strategic goals? What improvements are needed? Show Slide #10: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Organization’s Alignment

5. Commitment to Building Human Capital To what extent does the organization demonstrate a human capital mindset - one that focuses on enhancing value and investing in its human assets? What improvements are needed and how can this be improved? Show Slide #11: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Commitment to Building Human Capital

6. Building the Right Skills and Behaviors Are the skills and behaviors required to achieve the desired performance goals well defined? What additional capacity and skills are needed to undertake the proposed changes? - Are the training requirements well defined? - What new training is needed? - What new systems, IT equipment , or other needed? What improvements are needed? Show Slide #12: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: How well defined are the new skills and behaviors required to achieve the desired performance goals? Has the difference from today’s state been clearly defined? What improvements are needed?

7. Creating the Right Incentives and Rewards How well does the incentive and reward structure reinforce the needed changes? Are the performance metrics well defined? Does the change management plan recognize that “You get what you inspect not what you expect”? What improvements are needed? Show Slide #13: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: How well are the organization’s culture, structure and human resource investments aligned with the strategic goals? What improvements are needed?

8. Developing an Effective Strategy to Deal with Stakeholders Who are the internal and external stakeholders that need to support the program? How important are external stakeholders to the organization’s ability to achieve its change goals? Regulators? Suppliers? etc. What actions are needed? Show Slide #14: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Developing an Effective Strategy to Deal with Stakeholders

9. Developing an Effective Action Plan What are the critical change management actions that will be needed to achieve the desired change? Is the plan understood and supported by leadership? The project team and key influencers? Show Slide #15: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Developing an Effective Action Plan

Develop a Launching Platform Making Change Happen Develop a Launching Platform Prepare resistance map Behavioral, systemic Muster Support - obtain all support needed to make the change happen Design Change Process Sequence, expected time needed, resources, knowledge, etc. Decide when to launch change Launch Change Communicate vision, need for Change, expected results Launch Implementation projects Include Planners in the implementation teams Include Implementors in the design phase Exercise Control mechanisms Show Slide #16: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: Develop a Launching Platform Prepare resistance map Behavioral, systemic Muster Support - obtain all support needed to make the change happen Design Change Process Sequence, expected time needed, resources, knowledge, etc. Decide when to launch change Communicate vision, need for Change, expected results Launch Implementation projects Include Planners in the implementation teams Include Implementors in the design phase Exercise Controls mechanisms Launching Platform

Installing Change When installing change, first work on behavioral change and then systemic change This way there is much less resistance to change and the people will be ready for what is coming next. They are willing and open for it. Show Slide #17: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: When installing change, first work on behavioral change and then systemic change This way there is much less resistance to change and the people will be ready for what is coming next. They are willing and open for it.

Assignment Identify a concept or an idea from the last 3 week’s course that you are interested in applying it in your organization Prepare an ‘elevator’ presentation of 1 min, to a 2 Star General (1 power point slide = 1 min) Include: The idea/ concept Why is it important Why it benefits the mission What do you want the general to do next, in support of your idea/concept Show Slide #18: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: 11 sec or you are dead Preferably present the assignment right before lunch so the participants will have time to think it trough lunch 1 hour prep time (right after lunch). During that time each can ask questions and can use the group as reviewers/sounding board in preparing for the presentation. 1 hour to present

Assignment (Cont.) During presentations, each participant will act as a major general. You are to rank: the top 5 as ideas/concepts, the top 5 in presentation style, and the top 5 in completeness of concept introduction and plan of action Show Slide #19: Resistance to Change Theory (Cont.) Facilitator Note: 3 categories of ranking for each of the participants. Instructor can do this formally with each “grader” turning in their rankings in writing or by show of hands.

TLO Summary Action: Identify Key Factors that Impact Effective Change Efforts Condition: You are training to become an ACE with access to ICAM course handouts, readings, spreadsheet tools, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors Standard: With at least 80% accuracy: Describe the theory of overcoming resistance to change Show Slide #20: TLO Summary Facilitator’s Note: Restate the TLO Task: Identify Key Factors that Impact Effective Change Efforts Condition: You are training to become an ACE with access to ICAM course handouts, readings, spreadsheet tools, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors Standard: With at least 80% accuracy: Describe the theory of overcoming resistance to change “Or”   Facilitator's at this time, have one learner from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer.