Christie introduces the team. Sid Baker Amy Betsill Allison Eargle, with NCDPI Graphics
Our Vision “To build capacity at the local school system level and sustain statewide implementation of research-based strategies to meet the needs of our English learners.” Thank you for being part of this journey and helping make the vision a reality! Christie As Dr. Robin McCoy stated in her welcome, our vision is to build capacity at the local school system level and sustain statewide implementation of research-based strategies to meet the needs of our English learners. Thank you for being part of this journey and helping make the vision a reality!
Housekeeping Restrooms Schedule Technology Ivanna (Lindsey)
Technology Cell phones on vibrate Wi-Fi log-in instructions Limit usage to one device Ivanna (Lindsey) @NCDPI_ELs
Introductions Tell us about yourself! Name LEA Position
LEP Coordinator Livebinder
LEP Coordinator Panel Q/A Thomas Evans Executive Director of Federal Programs Wilson County Schools Sashi Rasayam Director of K-12 ESL Services Durham Public Schools