Trish Haines Chief Executive Reading Borough Council Welcome to Reading Trish Haines Chief Executive Reading Borough Council I am one of a growing number of Chief Execs from a Social Services Background Key skills required of modern CX very different from traditional skill set: pre WWII – mainly lawyers post war – more accountants 1960s/70s – town planners 1990/2000s – partnership and community leaderships skills Move from local government as service provider to community leader and key partner builds on the essence of social services work. Looking for common agendas: negotiation by influence pooling resources to achieve more crossing organisational boundaries to focus on customers
National Priorities – Joining it up Locally Government policy still largely developed in Department silos Key current policy issues: Every Child Matters/school improvement Safer Communities/anti social behaviour More efficient and enabling public services Partnership working to join up local service delivery More and better quality housing 1. More of a move to develop coherent policies across government departments e.g. children's agenda, but still problematic 2. Engaging marginalised communities: Black and ethnic minorities Under-skilled/unemployed adults Asylum seekers Areas of deprivation 3. Social Services has a role in each of these, often a leading role. Yet too often SSDs see themselves as ‘different’ from corporate work, because of focus on differences rather than areas of common interest.
Social Services benefit from local joined up working Promoting independence as part of Housing & Transport Strategies Youth offending as part of Crime/ASB and Youth Services Education/LSC/Economic Development initiatives support NEET’s Improved education is best safeguard for C&YP Stronger communities can better support needy individuals If we are seriously committed to improving the quality of life for SS users, OP, C&YP, people with disabilities, then we need to see service users not just as individuals, but also how their needs sit in a broader service context and joining with others to provide a more holistic approach e.g.: Very sheltered housing as part of Housing Needs Assessment. Subsidised fares as part of Transport Strategy. Youth Offending as part of crime and ASB initiatives and Youth Services NEET’s as part of education/economic development projects for C&YP/adults Improved education outcomes as the best safeguard for C&YP Work in local areas to enhance community capacity – so they can cope with individuals higher level needs Transport policy supports needs of OP and disabled
Conclusion See Social Services not as separate/different from the rest of public services Look for common agendas with others, not differences Build on existing experience in Social Services: Partnerships with Health Move towards ‘enabling provision’ private/voluntary sector partnerships See Children’s Services developments as a positive don’t let adult/children’s barriers emerge