Murdoch University Library


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Presentation transcript:

Murdoch University Library \ Presented by: Bryan Chan, Project Manager Murdoch University Library Evaluating print collections with GreenGlass WAGUL Technical Services Forum 8 June 2017 Introductions: Bryan Chan, project manager Background: Overview of the Print Collection Review Review main print collection of the Geoffrey Bolton Library April 2016-June 2017, just winding up now

Problem: LA checking of 300,000+ items Solution: OCLC GreenGlass Evaluating print collections with GreenGlass WHY GREENGLASS? Problem: LA checking of 300,000+ items Solution: OCLC GreenGlass Integrates bibliographic and circulation data Matches our holdings against: WorldCat & HathiTrust Assign comparator groups (of libraries) Identify special category Data visualisation and query building Export to Excel When doing any kind of review, but especially deselection, it is important to know what other libraries have. Typically, this involves somebody checking Libraries Australia. But you can imaging that at the scale we are working at (300,000+ items), that would be pretty much impossible. We explored other options such as just checking LA as the last step for confirmed discards – in other words, make all the initial decisions without that data. But what if you could have all that data to start with, use it to build your criteria, and thus automate much more of the decision making? Enter GreenGlass. It allows us to match our holdings against the entire WorldCat database (as a surrogate for LA). We export our bibliographic and circulation data to them, and they match and integrating with holdings data from WorldCat. As an additional benefit, we can assign specific comparator groups to match against. Basically, this means we can immediately see how many WAGUL libraries have a particular book, without having to access WorldCat, LA or individual catalogues. It will also link to the HathiTrust, a global initiative to digitise both classic and contemporary works, with more than 7 million ebooks to date. The system also allows us to set a single special category to quarantine particular collections – in our case, we wanted to know whether a book has been recently moved from Reserve into the main collection, as that would affect our circulation data and thus influence our decision to retain or discard an item. Once all that prep work and set up in done, it is a simple matter of building queries in a user-friendly interface that gives you some nice data visualization tools as well. Finally, you can export lists of items as Excel spreadsheets to work with in more detail.

EXAMPLES (Dewey 620s—Engineering) University Library Print Collection Review EXAMPLES (Dewey 620s—Engineering) We can build a query for Engineering resources borrowed since 2011 but catalogued after 2012: Specific Dewey Range: 620s ‘Engineering’ Last Charge Date: no data OR before 2011 Last Item Add Date: no data OR before 2013 Note: GreenGlass defaults to a Boolean AND operator. The first things we see is that: 53.35% matches the criteria, ie. flagged for examination 46.64% are unmatched, ie. automatically retained and excluded.

EXAMPLE 1 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) University Library Print Collection Review EXAMPLE 1 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) Let’s look at these two items. These are two copies of the same resource, with identical information for both.

EXAMPLE 1 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) University Library Print Collection Review EXAMPLE 1 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) Use was high up to 2007, but it has not been borrowed in almost 10 years. WorldCat holdings show that it is relatively plentiful. Drilling down, we can see that it is easily available through both BONUS and WAGUL reciprocal borrowing, and that all IRU members have it. We would thus want to keep this item. But because of the low use, only 1 copy is needed.

EXAMPLE 2 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) University Library Print Collection Review EXAMPLE 2 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) Here we have two different books on the topic of written communication skills for engineers. These would be examples of materials that support coursework but are not ‘major’ programs.

EXAMPLE 2 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) University Library Print Collection Review EXAMPLE 2 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) The first book has been borrowed twice. But none of the WA and IRU libraries have copies, while about a third of the BONUS libraries do.

EXAMPLE 2 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) University Library Print Collection Review EXAMPLE 2 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) The second book has never been borrowed, but it may be available through reciprocal borrowing from other WAGUL universities. In such cases, we may decide to keep one book and not the other.

EXAMPLE 3 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) University Library Print Collection Review EXAMPLE 3 (Dewey 620s—Engineering) This book has never been borrowed, at least as far back as our circulation data goes. It does not look like it is aimed at university audiences, and the holdings of comparator libraries would reinforce this view.

BENEFITS Cost-effective User-friendly Evaluating print collections with GreenGlass BENEFITS Cost-effective User-friendly Can also be used to collaboratively manage ‘shared print collections' across a group CHALLENGES New technologies come with inherent challenges, but these were understood and accounted for

Questions? Evaluating print collections with GreenGlass That concludes this presentation. Any questions? Questions?