Do now: Answer Questions 5 & 6


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Presentation transcript:

Do now: Answer Questions 5 & 6 L.O: SWBAT why different substances absorb AND radiate energy differently. Do now: Answer Questions 5 & 6

Sponges absorb things. Mirrors reflect things What does “absorb “ mean? What does “reflect”mean? Reflect: means to “bounce back” absorb means to “taken in” or “soak up”

the sun radiates insolation (sunlight) the sun radiates insolation (sunlight). when the light reaches Earth’s surface, it is reacts based on the object properties.

EM energy (light) can interact with an object in three ways: Absorption Reflection refraction

Absorption: when light is absorbed (taken in) by the object.

Dark & rough materials are good absorbers of light energy. Good absorbers of energy are also good radiators of energy.

Which clothes are bad for a hot sunny summer day? why? The dark and rough clothes are bad for summer because they would absorb the most heat

The dark landscape: good absorbers are also good radiators The dark landscape because:Dark & rough surfaces are good absorbers of energy. Which surface would heat up more quickly & give off energy more quickly? The dark landscape: good absorbers are also good radiators Antarctica ice field

The dark landscape: good absorbers are also good radiators

Reflection: When light bounces back after hitting a surface

*light & smooth surfaces are good reflectors of energy.

Fun fact: Humans see things because our eyes detect the light reflected off objects.

Refraction: The bending of a light wave when it passes through a different medium.

Light refracts because it changes speed & bends when it passes through different substances.

A prism refracts white light into its parts