Monday 4th February 2013
Silent Prayer
What could I use these items for? =
Pancake Day – Tuesday 12th February 2013 It is also known as Shrove Tuesday. Shrove means – To forgive. People would go to church to confess. They did this because it to prepare for Lent. The date changes every year but it is always on a Tuesday. Why?
But why make pancakes? In the past during lent Catholics were forbidden to eat rich foods such as eggs, butter, milk, cream etc. They had to use up the sugar, fat and eggs in their kitchens and a recipe that includes all these ingredients is pancakes! It was and is still seen as a sweet treat before the beginning of Lent.
What is Lent? The forty days (not counting Sundays) before Easter is known as Lent. This is the time of year when the days begin to get longer with the coming of Spring. Why does it last 40 days?
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. When does Lent begin? Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.
What should we do during Lent? During Lent we should follow the ‘3 Lenten Traditions’. Prayer Alms Giving Fasting
What will you do during Lent?
New Boxes! Worry Box Suggestion Box
We are stars!