Missouri LTAP Highlights & Challenges for North Central Region Meeting Heath Pickerill, Director May 22 & 23, 2018
MO-LTAP highlights: Fees for 2018: $45/person for Level I $55/person for Level II & Level III (lunch included) Implemented 8th year of a 10 year contract Held 117 classes and trained 4,724 people in 2017 Awarded a new 5-year contract for Rural Transit Assistance Program Share administrative costs with LTAP Increase partnership opportunities with MoDOT
Missouri R T A P Funds provided by the Federal Transit Agency Rural Transit Assistance Program Funds provided by the Federal Transit Agency Training & resources offered to the rural transit agencies throughout the state Training scheduled based on requests
MO-LTAP highlights (cont.): Became part of the Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering Department Use of material labs for training Hold materials workshops Share innovations being researched & developed with local agencies
Training partnerships Work closely with MoDOT, FHWA, and many other organizations to provide the latest information, quality training, and conferences Missouri Assoc. of County Transportation Officials (MACTO) annual conference Missouri Pavement Managers Group Hazmat Training offered by Missouri Emergency Response Commission (MERC) Hazmat Awareness Chemical Suicide Prevention
Popular MO-LTAP classes Work Zone Safety & Flagger Training Workplace and Job Site Safety Chainsaw Safety Tractor Mower Safety Gravel Road Maintenance Snow and Ice Control These classes are offered around the state!
New or updated classes Level II and III: Comprehensive Winter Planning CPR First Aid Disaster Preparedness Disaster Response Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training Snow & Ice Control Violence in the Workplace
MO-LTAP Scholars Program A Scholars Partnership Committee made up of various organizations provides input and helps develop/monitor the growth of the program. There is NO registration fee for the program! goal: To enhance the skills of workers involved in the maintenance, delivery and management of local transportation and infrastructure.
Recognition Carhartt Coats Awarded to Level I Graduates Carhartt Bibs Awarded to Level II Graduates Dress Jackets Awarded to Level III Graduates
The Latest News! There are 757 participants representing 78 cities, counties, & special road districts. 321 Level I graduates 50 Level II graduates 1 Level II graduate Top agencies represented by counties, cities & special road districts!
MO-LTAP Advisory Committee Provide feedback & guidance Mix of county, city, state & federal organizations Meet two times a year Last meeting held on April 5, 2018
Challenges: Identifying more instructors Updating course content to keep them relevant with current videos and information Balancing on-demand requests vs. scheduled training Offering ADA & right-of-way training Competing against low cost online training & insurance companies offering free classes
Challenges (cont.): Strengthening our partnerships – APWA as an example Updating our database management system Planning for Doreen Harkins’ retirement Defending my dissertation & completing PhD!
Website: www.moltap.org Contact Information: Email: pickeril@mst.edu Website: www.moltap.org Thank You!