1 This presentation is the copyrighted property of Channing Bete Company, Inc. Audiotaping or videotaping of any of our trainings is not permitted without the prior written permission of Channing Bete Company, Inc. The photos in the slides are of models. 1
5 The goal… Healthy behaviors for all children and youth Start with… Healthy beliefs & clear standards …in families, schools, communities and peer groups Build… Bonding Attachment Commitment …to families, schools, communities and peer groups And by nurturing… Individual characteristics By providing… By providing… By providing… Opportunities Skills Recognition …in families, schools, communities and peer groups 5
6 Skills Opportunities and Recognition 6
8 Younger children can: help with meals 8 read to younger siblings help with family decisions.
9 Parents can provide: financial opportunities decision-making opportunities expanded opportunities. 9
10 Opportunities as a: teacher business owner, manager or co-worker member of the clergy. 10
11 Talk to the young people in your neighborhood. Know what young people do well. Provide opportunities that help both you and young people. 11
14 Motivate the young person to want to learn the skill. Explain the skill. Break it into small steps. Model each step. Practice. Offer positive feedback. 14
16 Recognize specific behaviors. Focus on the positive. Be sincere. Praise effort, progress and achievement. 16
18 Parents can: model healthy behaviors meet with the family to set standards for behavior support involvement in healthy activities. 18
19 Teachers can set clear guidelines for behavior. Neighbors and other community members can keep messages consistent. 19