Compressed Calendar Survey Results Spring 2017
Why are we doing this? Both Cuyamaca and Grossmont Academic Senates voted to move forward based on a few key factors. Alignment with the region has upsides SDCCD, Southwestern and SDSU are on compressed calendars We can align holidays for students and faculty with families We can offer adjuncts full holidays (instead of staggered) Evidence around the state suggests an FTES boost We can expand our inter-session
There are also some concerns Although the votes included a strong majority in favor of moving forward, there is also strong concern as well. Some departments with labs (such as chemistry and biology) are concerned about the loss of a full lab from the curriculum each semester Performance-based programs (such as theater) are concerned that a shortened semester will impede their ability to develop quality programing
How are we Moving this forward? We formed a district-wide task force to learn and explore options We have distributed a survey to students, faculty and staff across the district. We are using the input to draft a mock-up of a possible calendar We will share out the draft for feedback in the fall We will vote (tentatively) at the end of fall If we vote to adopt, implementation will follow in fall of 2019
TEll Us about the Survey, Already! Students: 2073 respondents 416 Comments 71% in favor Faculty/Staff: 335 respondents 108 comments 64% in favor
What does the survey say? Final Exams Students: 59% Move to last week of instruction 41% Keep as is Faculty: 57% Move to last week of instruction 43% Keep as is
Survey Results Continued Scheduling Preferences Faculty: More M/W/F offerings More evening offerings (after 3:00pm) More Friday/Saturday offerings More early morning offerings Students:
Faculty/Staff-Specific Survey Results Key Variables (in order of preference) Full week for Thanksgiving Longer winter break/intersession Longer summer/summer session(s) Fewer Flex Days
STudent-Specific Survey Results Thanksgiving Take a full week: (50%) Keep it as is: (50%) Where else do/have you taken classes? SDCCD (17%) SDSU (10%) Southwestern (7%) Mira Costa (2%) Palomar (2%)
What are we doing with this information? We will be sharing the complete survey with all of you via email and the compressed calendar website We want to hear/read your insights and/or concerns The taskforce will synthesize the comments and feedback They will be used to inform a draft calendar This work will be done and ready for conversation by the time the fall semester (2017) begins.
That’s it for the Presentation Questions? Or Comments?