Introducing Uganda LO: Remember the physical and human characteristics of Uganda Link these characteristics to Uganda’s need for development
Getting to Know Uganda Where is Uganda? Google earth
Uganda’s Physical Geography Use an atlas to produce an A4 map of Uganda which includes physical features (mountains, plateau, rivers, lakes etc) as well as the cities of Entebbe, Kampala, Jinja, Mbarara and Ibanda. You should also label the surrounding countries. Climate graph – On graph paper, produce a climate graph for Entebbe. (Precipitation = bars, Temp = line) 3. In what ways might Uganda’s physical geography provide both a) Benefits and b) Problems for the citizens? Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Temp (celcius) 25 24 23 Rain (mm) 66 91 160 257 244 122 76 74 94 132 117
Uganda’s Human Geography Development Statistics for Uganda Development Indicator Definition Uganda’s figure What is indicates about Uganda HDI Score A score between 0 and 1 given to a country based on that country’s adult literacy, life expectancy and wealth(GNI per capita). MEDCs have scores about 0.8, LEDCs have scores below 0.5. 0.45 Life expectancy at birth Men: 52.2 yrs Women: 54.3 yrs Rate of natural increase The difference between birth and death rates each year. Calculated per 1,000 people. In 2011, the UK’s rate was 4 per 1,000 people meaning for every 1,000 people, there were 4 more births than deaths in our country. 35.6 per 1,000 people Fertility rate 6.7 babies Infant mortality rate 62.5 per 1,000 births
Uganda’s Human Geography 1. What do Uganda’s statistics indicate to us about: The education in the country? The quality of hospitals/health clinics? The standard of living – sanitation, housing etc QUOTE FIGURES!!! EXPLAIN IDEAS!!!! Ex: What challenges do you think Uganda faces? How would you RANK these challenges?